zoran zugic

zoran zugic

About The Artist

Zoran Žugić was born in 1950 in Belgrade. He completed his elementary and secondary education in Zemun, and attended Šumatovačka school for a while, where he started drawing, using models, and engaged in sculpturing. Upon completion of secondary education he went to Paris, first as a tourist, visiting museums and galleries, and then in 1975 he settled down and enrolled at "Beaux-Arts" Art Academy. In Paris he became familiar with the world art scene. Although he knew what he had always held inside, he indulged in experimentation: Art gestuelle (Jackson Pollock, Willem De Kooning) who were close to him, as well as "Cobra" group (Karel Appel, Pierre Alechinsky, Asger Jorn), while his sensibility was also close to Art-Brut (Jean Dubuffet). Searching for total freedom he turned to himself and his inner being. Since then, his work has been going in that direction. Zoran’s paintings are filled with strange, mineral, vegetal beings and accumulation of organic matter, suggesting collapse of civilization and transformation of the planet. In fact, it is chaos controlled by imagination and intuition. Zoran manages to create images of gentle colors and alluring atmosphere out of dramatic