by Daciana Androne

Artwork Description

For a kiss needs two

0.0 x 0.0

““For a Kiss, needs two!”, mixed media on 3D canvas 60x73 cm “ Mourning sounds stir. Your warmth missing from my embrace. Sleepy eyes shrouding the new light. Where are you....restless. I drifted alone, heavy eyes counting the minutes. Frantically I searched the emptiness, desperate....body and soul wanting for that peace. There you are...hiding in plain sight, deep in the recesses with f my Psyche. My arms reached for you, Your smile,blinding thru the fog of my desperation, within the moment I am caught in forever... Those outstretched arms surrounding its bliss... Content... There with you I will stay.” Lyrics: “Never was alway there” , Eugene Y.

Artwork Details

Medium: Painting Acrylic

Genre: Figurative