Parmide  (Armine Baghdasaryan)

Parmide (Armine Baghdasaryan)

About The Artist

Parmide /Armine Baghdasaryan/ hard of hearing Painter designer, born on 1974 in Armenia Her exhibitions have had many success, her works are now part of private collections around the world, including Armenia , Canada , Germany, Japan, Russia , France etc. Armenian TV presented a unique film on Deaf Artist Armine Baghdasaryan. Since 2011 Armine Baghdasaryan lives and creates in France where she apperenced in a situation completely different from that of Armenia !!!!! Changed the characters, the theme of her arts. Here in France she discovered the world of refugees desperate and encouraging migrant refugees, 2006 Toronto International Deaf Film and Arts exhibition Dear Armine Baghdasaryan, Congratulations! Your three artworks had been sold at the TIDFAF art exhibition .Three people who bought your artworks, and they are really love your artworks because it's so impression, inspiring, and feeling so reality. Your artworks had been so amazing ever they saw! Dino Marasà Publisher, art Critic, Studio Byblos "The art of Armine Baghdasaryan takes the viewer back in time, to a primordial art imbued with mystery, characterized by enigmatic but particularly elegant figures. What is evident in her works is this splendid praise to the woman in all its most beautiful and romantic faces. Her palette is full of the most disparate colors, they shine on her creations and give life to the represented figures and most important they are a clear expression of the inner world of the artist, and this characterizes her art as unique!!! Parmide is certified artist rating By A. Akoun