Anthony Kirov

Anthony Kirov

About The Artist

Anthony Kirov — painter and architect was born and raised in Bulgaria. He started painting at a very early age and he studied art at School of Fine Arts in his native town. During these early years, A. Kirov was inspired by the great masters of 19th and 20th centuries — Van Gogh, Kandinsky, Picasso, Chagall. In 1975 he graduated the Higher Institute of Architecture and Design in Sofia. After graduation, A. Kirov worked as an architect and designer, while creating art works. With his passion for art and his eye for proportions, A. Kirov developed his unique style. His means of expression are the bright colors, dynamic composition and imaginative spirit. The warm and cold colors in his paintings are skillfully used in endless play of formation of tones which produce the effect of multidimensional space. The artist builds his effect through successfully producing the world of reality and abstraction combined with symbolic elements. Throughout his over 30 years career, Anthony Kirov has participated in numerous exhibitions in Bulgaria, Austria, Norway, Belgium, Russia, France, USA. His art is held in private and public collections. Currently, Anthony Kirov lives and works in New York.