About The Artist

Constance McCoy (Granny C) was born in Phoenix, AZ where she lived for 30 years before moving to Washington State for a short time. She moved to Utqeagvik, AK for a career opportunity where she raised her family for 25 years and worked as an administrator for the school district. After retirement she moved back to her beloved Arizona with her husband Jess and embarked on her new path and new passion of art. Constance has 3 children, 4 step-children and 11 grandchildren. Constance's art education has come from online sources such as art demos and Udemy University courses. She was taught the basics by her sister who is also an artist. Her influences include David Kessler, Julie Schumer, Robert Burridge and Piet Mondrian among many others. Constance studied under the Matt Tommey Mentoring Program where she feels she received her most valuable education and reconnection with God. Constance has made a conscious decision to create diversity in her art by not conforming to a specific style, working from a place of spirituality. "What is put on my heart is put in my art."" She lives in two worlds that live in peace in her mind and in her physical space. She has heart ties to the Old West having been born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona. When Phoenix went through a transformation into the modern mid-century as did the rest of the country, she became enamored with the modern minimalist style immediately, but unable to let go of her roots in the West and unable to choose one over the other. She loves rustic, vintage, western and equally loves modern clean lines and bright colors of the mid-century. She manages to meld both in her home and feels at peace with both styles living together in one space. The same has happened with her art.