About The Artist

I am an abstract artist from Los Angeles, California. Influenced primarily by the abstract artists of early 20th century, my work explores the effects of the intersection between color, geometric marks and forms, and patterns seen in everyday life. As a self-taught artist, my work is characterized by the use of bold, incongruent colors, and the symbolic shapes and marks which often evoke ancient tribal influences. I’ve always been attracted to spontaneity and improvisation in art forms and I strive to create work that is “free” and made “in the moment.” My work is primarily concerned with depicting the emotional and psychological states of the inner being. The need to create comes not only from my desire to explore and learn something new about the process of painting itself - how shapes, marks and colors interact with and inform eachother - but also in the attempt to understand my own internal subconscious material. When the process works and I enter “the flow” while painting, it feels not only like an inner inquiry, but a dialogue with the unknown