Sylvia Mekhitarian

Sylvia Mekhitarian

About The Artist

BIO Sylvia Mekhitarian Practising artist, Media: printmaking, Genre: Expressionist. Sylvia takes her inspiration from her environment, influences and the issues of social structure and its impact on human condition. Sylvia was born in Egypt, and educated in England of Arminian parents, during the Suez Crisis her family flew to UK where they lived for a number of years, then they migrated to Australia. Sylvia married and had 3 kids. Became involved in the Visual Arts. Went to university with BA Visual Arts and teaching degree, then became a fulltime high school teacher. Meanwhile Sylvia continued on with her art practise in printmaking. She exhibited in group shows Australia and internationaly. Today she is passionately making art at Impress printmakers studio and gallery, Brisbane, QLD. Sylvia loves to draw she has concentrated for the past 4 years on stone lithography where she draws immediately onto the stone surface. Sylvia works intuativley, spontaneously and directly onto the stone, using lithography crayons and tusche to create her mark. Currently you can see her art work in group exhibition Caloundra QLD. Visiting the Caloundra reginal art gallery to view our work, my print Preserve, top row 2nd last. ‘Of foresters, farmers and fish’. Latest & gratest 2021 recent acquisition exhibition. On the Home page, 2021 Selected images provided from the artists of “friends of stone” was cancelled due to lockdown. 4 stone lithography prints of my artworks are in the small Slide show at Impress printmakers studio and Gallery.