David Phillips

David Phillips

About The Artist

Following the path of his influences, David Phillips moved from Oklahoma to Los Angeles in search of an audience for his abstract paintings. Discovering a larger art market, Phillips' paintings grew in size and detail. Currently represented by the Downtown Art Center Gallery of Los Angeles, and working from his studio in Venice, Phillips has been featured on CBS and written about in The LA Times and Seventeen Magazine. His bold abstractions continue to amaze patrons, bring buyers, and captivate collectors. Phillips' extraordinary art continues to stand out and offer a unique dichotomy to the current state of the art market. Amazingly he continues to sell, move up in the gallery world, and attract collectors in a market completely saturated with graffiti, urban, and essentially 'non classic in form abstract paintings.' Phillips' work is a reflection of his influences (primarily the Abstract Expressionists painters of the 1950s), and uses Western and Americana themes in the contemporary art world. After an exceptional two-year red hot gallery run, Phillips’ audience continues to grow dramatically around the country. Check out more on David Phillips at: www.wino-strut.com