About The Artist

Elisiana Alves is a young Brazilian painter, selfeducated, who has started her career early in the nineties, in Taiobeiras, in the Northern Region of Minas Gerais State. From this beginning, she pointed out among her players revealing at every new series, unusual creations, sometimes shocking, with remarkable style mixing decision and softness in her traces, an allegory of colors, showing the realm of techniques and the induction of the magic, permeated by soft and tender beauty. Her more recent exhibitions in the Brazilian Central Bank headquarter, and the Brazilian Congress Hall, impact and provoked impressive emotions in the most specialized and exacting audiences. Indeed, Elisiana has been intentionally exploring, daring incursions in painting language and aesthetic expressions, or as she said on the works painted for the Florence Biennale, "I want everybody knows on my pain and my joy, I do not want spare them in anything. " CONTACT elisianaalves@hotmail.com http://elisianaalves.blogspot.com http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1582157452 Taiobeiras, Minas Gerais - Brazil.