by Indranil Ghosh

Artwork Description

Mahabharata - Focus on Selfless Duty

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Mahabharata - one of the epics from ancient India written down more than 2500 years ago. The Mahabharata is not a mere epic, it is a romance, it is a story of heroic men and women, it is a treatise containing the code of life, and it expounds the philosophy of social and ethical relations. The deep philosophical ideas that perpetuate throughout the epic have a lot to teach us about life – it is a Roadmap to Conscious Evolution. ​ Wisdoms from Mahabharata which is relevant in current times Powerful forces control the world over the ages which is beyond our comprehension and control. One should perform the duty based on Knowledge, Action, and Love. Individual and the Supreme Reality co-exist in a relationship based on Action, Duty, Renunciation, Theory, Virtues, Devotion, and Knowledge. Stand by what's right; even fight for it No one can escape karma. Sooner or later, everyone must pay for their actions You are your biggest enemy when your mind is crippled with greed and ego When passion is your motivation, there is no limit to what you can achieve Courage is stronger than fear and bolder than physical strength

Artwork Details

Medium: Painting Acrylic

Genre: Abstract