Felicia Carina

Felicia Carina

About The Artist

Felicia has always been involved in drawing and creative activities since childhood. Already at the age of 7, two of her drawings were selected to participate in an exhibition in a Polish art school. Later she completed her secondary education in modern languages/sciences. She was finally able to start an art course at the PXL, where she graduated after a few years as a “Master of Painting”, with distinction. Felicia has developed her own style, which is somewhat reminiscent of scientific experiments. The starting point was depicting chemical reactions in the brain. She bridges the gap between biology and the medium of paint in all kinds of innovative ways. In the further development of her style we see an exploration into the increasingly objective origins of the work of art. For example, she works blindly and in another experiment she works with the sound waves of her own heartbeat. The concept of micro versus macro also emerges in these works of art, and with this also the teaching of fractal theory. The chemical reactions are microscopic, while the abstract works can also be viewed as satellite photos of the Earth. In the further evolution of the works of art we see a lot of exploration of subjects, but also a constant search for new chemical reactions and materials to create an image. In 2022 she opened her own studio Artpoint 116 to visitors. In addition to the exhibition of her work, she provides personal guidance to create works of art, she teaches about various techniques and there are workshops on request. She also guides graduated artists or artists who are stuck in their process with the further development of their art. The studio is also made available to hold exhibitions. Be sure to take a look at her website artpoint116.be