Luciana Maini

Luciana Maini

About The Artist

Luciana Maini was born in Comacchio, in the province of Ferrara, in 1973 (Italy). She graduated from the Institute of Art for the Mosaic of Ravenna in 1993 and continuing the studies at the Dams (Art) of Bologna. She obtained a specializes in the Restoration of Cultural Heritage, Frescoes and Icons on Wood. In 2010, after an interesting teaching experience at the Damascus Archaeological Museum, She decided to resume pictorial activity (indeed never totally abandoned) to express the light and color suggestions which she has obtained during the Syrian experience. In 2012 she holds an degree in Cultural Heritage Conservation in Ravenna. Today Luciana Maini continues her activity as a restorer and, above all, as a artist, also participating in many exhibitions, both in Italy and abroad. Style The encounter with mosaic and the restoration of mosaic works, which took place between 1992 and 1993 at the Art Institute of Ravenna, defines Luciana Maini's artistic and working modus, both culturally and ethically. The suggestions and vibrations transmitted by ancient mosaics and the explosive creativity of contemporary ones emerge, to this day, in many of the artist's works who, despite having later preferred a pictorial language, retains, in his works, the influences aesthetics absorbed in the ancient capital of the Byzantine exarchate. From the Mosaic to Pointillism In 2010, as part of a cultural and artistic collaboration project between Italy and Syria, Luciana Maini went to Damascus to teach iconography and icon restoration to a group of Syrian restorers at the city's Archaeological Museum. After this experience, Luciana Maini decides to propose again the suggestions and coloristic sensations absorbed there, with a technique different from those previously experimented: pointillism. After carefully studying the theory of color, underlying the works of the Impressionists, and the techniques of Seurat, Previati and Segantini, Maini decides to "replace" the tile with the "dot". In her subsequent works (2010), the subject becomes totally secondary to a technique that involves the editing of images through the use of actual "dots" of color. In Luciana Maini's artistic vision, therefore, the surrounding reality becomes fragmented; objects, people, animals are transitory figures that wait to disintegrate and recompose ad infinitum as if to represent the eternal clash between Apollonian and Dionysian, between Order and Disorder, between Chaos and Form. The user, approaching the work, realizes that what he had perceived as united is in truth disjointed, divided, atomised; every tiny particle, every single dot becomes a discrete unit, an autonomous entity, ready to take on any image and form. Luciana Maini's works are therefore an invitation to criticism, a provocation to go beyond appearances. A dangerous challenge, indeed, since, as Oscar Wilde wrote: “Those who descend below the surface do so at their own risk.” Art Exhibition 25/08/2023 , "Manhattan Prize 2023", projected video exposure to celebrate Contemporary Art in Times Square (NY); From 20/08 to 5/09/2023, "Art Exhibition in S.Oronzo 2023" at the Association "La Chimera" in Lecce (Italy); From 18 to 25/03/2023" International Art Exhibition", at the International Studio of Art & Galleries in Dubai (United Arab Emirates); From 11 to 18/07/2022 "International Art Exhibition" at the “Bargello Palace” in Gubbio (Italy); From 03 to 10/05/ 2022 "International Art Exhibition" at Captaloona Art Gallery in Madrid (Captaloona Art Gallery C. de Andrés Mellado, 55, 28015, Madrid, Spain); 28/03/2022 to 04/04/2022 "The Invisible", Art Exhibition at the prestigious Bortone Art Gallery in Paris (Rue Mazarine-75006 Paris); From 10/12/2021 to 31/01/2022 “Christmas Exhibition”. Contemporary Art and Poetry Exhibition; From 05/06/2021 to 05/09/2021 Quarterly collective exhibition, at the prestigious Accorsi Gallery in Venice (Italy), of some important representatives of the contemporary artistic panorama after the harsh challenge of the Pandemic. Artists on display: Luciana Maini, Enrico del Rosso, Stefania Gagliardi, Alessia Molino. Giuseppe Ribechi; From 07/29/2021 to 08/01/2012 "The Contagion. From pain to beauty", Contemporary Art Exhibition at the prestigious Villa Valmarana ai Nani in Vicenza (Italy) frescoed by Tiepolo; From 29/05 to 27/06/2021 Collective exhibition “Women, Colors and Shapes” (scheduled for March 2020 but postponed to July due to the ongoing health emergency) at the “Bellini Palace” Museum in Comacchio (Italy); From 03/09/2020 "International Contemporary Art Exhibition", in conjunction with the Film Festival. Collective exhibition curated by the prestigious Accorsi Arte Gallery, also located in Venice (Italy); From 01/07 to 31/07/2020 Collective exhibition “Women, Colors and Shapes” (scheduled for March 2020 but postponed to July) at the “Bellini Palace” Museum in Comacchio (Italy); From 26 February/03 March 2020 “Berlin Art Contest. International art exhibition”, collective exhibition of well-known Italian and foreign artists, who will exhibit in the splendid city of Berlin (Germany); From 20/07 to 09/08/2019 Collective Exhibition "TRANSITION. Collective Art Exhibition" in New York, at the prestigious Saphira & Ventura Gallery, in collaboration with Accorsi Arte Torino (Italy); From 08 to 04/31/2019 Collective Exhibition: "Women, Shapes and Colors", at the "Delta Antico Museum" in Comacchio (Italy); From 19 to 29/05/2018 Collective Exhibition: "Artists in Venice", inauguration path of the Architecture Biennale, at the prestigious "Accorsi" Gallery in Venice (Italy); From 08 to 04/31/2018 Collective Exhibition: "Women, Shapes and Colors", at the "Palazzo Bellini" Museum in Comacchio (Italy); From 29/07 to 05/08/2017 Collective Exhibition: "Eros & Thanatos", at the “Accademy of Partenopei” in Naples (Italy); From 04-03 to 02-04/2017 Collective Exhibition "Women, Shapes and Colors", at "Antica Manifattura dei Marinati" in Comacchio (Italy); From 05/03 to 05/04/2016 Collective Exhibition: "Women, Shapes and Colors", at the “Bellini Palace" Museum in Comacchio (Italy); From 14 to 21/02/2016 Collective Exhibition: "Love in Frame", at the prestigious Accorsi Gallery in Turin; From 14/08 to 10/09/2015 "Tandem Exhibition" (in collaboration with the artist and photographer Raffaele Mangolini from Codigoro) entitled: "22 year(s) later", at "L'Antica Pescheria" in Comacchio (Italy); From 07 to 14/03/2015 Collective Exhibition: "Women, Shapes and Colors", at the "Bellini Palace" Museum in Comacchio (FE); From 08 to 15/03/2014 Collective Exhibition: "Women, Shapes and Colors", at the "Palazzo Bellini" Museum in Comacchio (Italy).