About The Artist

Sam Schwartz, a Las Vegas native, has enriched the art world with his acrylic paintings for over four decades. Merging Hyper-Realism's sharp precision with Surrealism's dreamlike quality, Schwartz crafts narratives within each stroke, exploring themes from nuanced human expressions to ethereal, abstract scenes. His work, especially noted for fine art nudes and portraits, weaves a rich tapestry of human emotion and form. Throughout his career, Schwartz's talent has led to numerous commissions, adorning spaces in prominent cities, including New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago. His pieces are celebrated for their depth and complexity, bringing life to the walls of hotels, hospitals, and office buildings. By day, Schwartz excels as an online marketing executive for Fortune 500 companies, while his evenings are dedicated to his true passion: painting and teaching. His artistic philosophy—being able to "paint anything, in any style"—reflects a deep commitment to versatility and mastery within his craft. At 61, Schwartz is pivoting to full-time painting, engaging with audiences through contests, social media, gallery showings, and his new venture, Custom Art Painter. His website,, showcases over 400 artworks, offering bespoke commissions to art enthusiasts worldwide. Despite some of his works being labeled NSFW due to their bold exploration of nudity and provocative themes, they stand as some of his most compelling and conversation-starting pieces. Sam Schwartz's journey from a local artist to an influential figure in the art community is a testament to his unwavering dedication and innovative spirit, promising a vibrant continuation of his artistic legacy. I generally paint in three sizes: 48" x 48" Square, 60" x 40" Landscape, 40" x 60" Portrait.