About The Artist

Born in London he began his career as a professional artist in 1976 and studied privately with various tutors in the UK. My love of fine art and in particular the Dutch Masters took him to Holland to study old master techniques and the interplay of light and shade with Dutch landscape painter Jan van Buren. The main body of his work consists of landscapes and wildlife subjects although recently he has included abstract paintings in his exhibitions. In 1977 he opened his own art gallery in Essex learning a great deal about the commercial aspect of the art world. In 1990 he was awarded The Hillingdon Arts Trophy and in 1998 "Best Oil in Show" at the Wildlife Art Society Annual Exhibition in Central London. His work features in collections throughout the world including USA, Canada, Holland, Germany, France, Australia Italy, Middle and Far East, Russia and Latvia. Currently he is teaching oil painting techniques in France and author of unique easy to follow instruction manuals in CD ROM format or PDF download entitled "The Effective Oil Painter - A Shortcut to Success" which covers all aspects of painting in general and includes a 12 month personal Q&A facility.