Jääskeläinen - Alasaari, Tiina

Jääskeläinen - Alasaari, Tiina

About The Artist

Tiina Jääskeläinen-Alasaari, born in 1962 and also known by her former surname Hattunen, is a visual artist and writer living in Lieto, Finland. Her works are often based on images originating from music, which form through different processes and combine with emotions. Her totem animal, the giraffe, crept into her pictorial world already in the 1980s. The same decade witnessed the emergency of chairs into her art, depicting the controversy between the human being and the norms of society. Her own experiences processed into drawings and poems (Deadly Love, 1998) which she used during 1998-2002 as material for her series of lectures nationwide. She was frequently invited by the Finnish National Research and Development Center for Welfare and Health to lecture to professionals who help victims of domestic violence. She was one of the new promising writers in Reviiri 2000, a poetry and prose anthology published by the Regional Art Council of South-West Finland. Her short story “Night Guests” was received with praise. The following year her poem ”A Prayer” was published in the North American poetry magazine ICE FLOE, Winter Solstice Issue, 2001. In 2007 the international jury of the Biennale dell’Arte Contemporanea di Firenze invited her to Florence, Italy. The following year she organized an exhibition with her goddaughter, art student Vilma Puputti, then 11 years, in which they displayed a wonderful visual dialogue of two females of different ages. At present she is inspired by Rukajärvi, a beautiful historical spot in Northern Finland, and she has started to paint the Rukajärvi Series reflecting the recent history of Finland as seen from perspective of her own experiences. She writes short stories and prose as well as articles and columns. She also paints silk, icons and exlibris art. Artistic family background, early discovered synaesthesia, studies in cultural history, literature, art and philosophy all create a basis for her existence in which art in all its forms is as necessary as oxygen. ‘I see words in pictures, hear pictures as music and associate music with colours, which constitute atmospheres… Creation is a process of comprehensive observation of the world, its filtering through one’s own identity. If I can touch something universal by my paintings and texts, become understood and transmit my perceptions, I have reached my goals.’ See more: http://tiinajaaskelainen.blogspot.com/