Giulio Giordano

Giulio Giordano

About The Artist

Giulio Giordano He gets a High School Diploma at the 'art school'. He founds the art workshop called “Fabrica Artis” for the realization of videos, mosaics, painting, trompe-l’oeil. He carries out more than 80 graffiti on the national territory. He lives and works in Potenza. Prizes, special mentions and cooperations with: The Officina Rambaldi, Rai futura tv, Nomade Link prize Bologna, “X-comics” erotic comics for Coniglio Editore Roma, Falcomics Prize, “Silentmovieart” Prize Aosta, Dervio Prize, 2006 Gai Prize “Muro di Berlino”, Crespinart, CMYK Liguori editore Napoli, Charme, Deus irae, La Potenza of Heimerich, Amnesty International for Expocartoons, La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, Asolo, Novello Prize, umorismo e satira/humour and satire Dolo, 1st edition Graffiti movimento azzurro, “Text e il west di Ragusa”, Potenza Chamber of Commerce pictorial competition prize. Under the supervision of Babak Payami and the Noeltan film production, he realizes “Piano t.” Tiscali awards, Potenza film festival, Lucania film festival, Novara cine festival, l’invasione degli ultracorti, la Città in Corto in Rome, Corticortò. Les Petites Lumiere. “size muro” (2005) Potenza film Festival Prize of the public “La cerimonia” (2006) Chamber of Commerce Prize. Artistic projects approved and realized for the European Community: “COMIC STRIP”, GRUNDTVING 2 (Socrates II ) project, Toledo century Project, “COMENIUS”, “Storia dell’Unione Europea a fumetti”, “Parole al Muro” comics on Brigandage.