Miguel Cerejido

Miguel Cerejido

About The Artist

Miguel Cerejido is a Canadian artist, born in Havana, Cuba on February the 26th of 1960. Graduated of drawing and painting from the academy of Arts "San Alejandro" in 1980. He finished a Master Degree in Fine Arts at the Instituto Superior de Arte (I.S.A.) in 1985; he worked as a professor at the Institute of Industrial Design, among other art schools in Cuba. He also worked as a specialist at the Centro de "Diseño Ambiental" (Interior Design) in Havana. He was an active member of the National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC) since 1995, and of Art Kollectif Media Foundation Inc. in Ottawa, Canada. Presently he is a member of Arts Ottawa East organization, The Council for the Arts in Ottawa and The Ottawa Art Gallery. His explorations in painting have always been dealing with the possible nexuses between music and painting as well as, in a very particular way, "Images" that this other artistic discipline produces in his subjectivity This theme has been always present in his artistic endeavors from 1983 -while still a student at ISA-, encompassing all his carrier and evolving in many different forms, according to levels of perception in the artist's sensibility and to what is he focusing in his approach to the musical phenomenon. Exhibitions, Fairs and other events 1979- Itinerant Exhibition in Europe. 1984- 1st Biennial of Havana. "L" Gallery, Havana. 1985- School of Arts and Literature. University of Havana. 1987- Professor’s Salon. Superior Institute of Industrial Design, Havana. 1989- "INTERART" Fair. Poland. 1990- "La Acacia" Gallery inauguration. Havana. 1991- "70 years of Cuban Painting" "Siqueiros" Polyforum. 1992- Auction at the centre Cuban studies. New York. 1993- Fair of Seville. Spain 1997- Exhibition of Contemporary Cuban Art. Madrid, Spain. 1998- "Gallery Terra". Wuppertal. Germany. 1998- XXV Anniversary of the Latin-American Commission of Civil Aviation. Mexico. 1999- "Con un poco de Amor". Visual Arts and Design Provincial Center. Havana. 2000- Design and decoration works for the "Catholic Immigration Centre". Ottawa. Canada. 2001- Design and decoration works with the stage designer Simon Clark, for the "Tulip Festival" At David Caution & Mark Masters' studio). Ottawa. Canada. 2003- Multimedia Fundraiser Art Auction in support of Ottawa Outaouais Social Forum celebrated at Babylon Night Club, Ottawa. 2003- Becomes a Board Member of Art Kollectif Media Foundation Inc. and participates in the preparation of Studio One Grand Finale's Celebration working on promotional graphics and organizing the silent art auction, among other activities. 2005- First Annual Mayor's Art Festival. Ottawa City Hall. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 2005- Christmas Sale at the Glebe Community Centre. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 2006- "Plain Air Canada" group exhibition at Art Rental and Sales at The Ottawa Art Gallery (OAG). 2006- "Can You Take the Heat?" group exhibition at Art Rental and Sales at The Ottawa Art Gallery (OAG). 2006- Nomad Gallery's "Earth Tribe" group exhibition at The Electric Gallery. 2006- "NOVUS" group exhibition at Art Rental and Sales at The Ottawa Art Gallery (OAG). 2006- "PREVIEW". Group show of diverse artists, from Ottawa, Toronto, Nanaimo and Surrey at the Parkdale Gallery's Grand Opening exhibition (December 7th 6 to 9pm). November 15th, 2006 to January 15th, 2007. 2007- "New Canadians". Parkdale Gallery. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 2007- "SUMMER SALON". Art Rental and Sales. The Ottawa Art Gallery (OAG). Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 2009- "Art of Giving" / Group Exhibit . Patrick John Mills Contemporary Fine Art Gallery. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Personal Exhibits 1984- Center for the research and development of Cuban Music. Havana. Cuba. 1985- "From Music to Canvas". Cuban Found of Cultural Wealth Gallery. (FIB) Havana. Cuba. 1986- "Arte Universal" Gallery. Trinidad, Cuba. Wifredo Lam Gallery. Havana. Cuba Superior Institute of Industrial Design's Gallery. Havana. Cuba. 1991- "Do’s". "La Acacia", and "La Habana" Galleries. Havana. Cuba 1995- "Time, Music, Painting; Frederic Chopin" Embassy of Poland. Havana. Cuba. 1999- III International Fair Cubadisco 99 . Pabexpo. Havana. Cuba " Ad Lib". National Hotel Of Cuba. Gallery. Havana. Cuba. 2000- "Ad Lib". Visual Arts Centre, Orléans, Ontario, Canada. " Cerejido's Selected Works". "Au café 4 Jeudis". Hull. Quebec. Canada. 2004- Complete design and creation of The Black Sheep Stage set for the Cisco Systems Ottawa Bluesfest 2004. Ottawa. Canada. 2005- "Paths: Music and Magic". Cumberland Gallery. Orléans, Ontario, Canada. 2005- "Selected paintings by Miguel Cerejido". The Dovercourt Gallery. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Awards 1986- 1st Place in painting. "V Salon UNEAC". Sancti Spiritus, Cuba. Painting Award at the Provincial Encounter of Landscape. Sancti Spiritus, Cuba. 1998- 2nd Place at the Painting Contest of the Civil Aeronautics Institute of Cuba. 2002- January 2003 Digital Color Artist Of The Month. Digital Consciousness Art Database. 2004- July 2004 The Ottawa Citizen “Best Ambiance” award to The Black Sheep stage design at Cisco Systems Ottawa Bluesfest 2004.