Visible White Photo Prize 2015

Celeste Network Celeste Network

MARCH 10, 2015

Visible White Photo Prize, 4th edition, is an international photography prize which this year investigates burning issues in the contemporary family. Photographers have the chance to win 5,000 € cash prizes and be selected by a top jury. The finalist artworks will be exhibited from 15 May to 12 June 2015 at Fondazione Studio Marangoni, Florence, Italy, and will be included in a specially prepared catalogue for the show. Deadline for entry is 16 March 2015.

Celeste Prize 2014

Celeste Network Celeste Network

MARCH 26, 2014

Celeste Prize is an international contemporary arts prize which supports quality work by emerging artists in a worldwide, talent scouting environment. Every year thousands of artists use the prize to promote their works and their careers. Join now / more information: 20,500 euro cash prizes. This year’s team of international selectors is led by Elena Sorokina, independent curator based in Paris, France. Celeste Prize 2014 is supported by Celeste Network, a 57,000 member social network for contemporary arts,

Visible White, deadline 10 march

Celeste Network Celeste Network

MARCH 03, 2014

10 March is the new deadline to submit your work to Visible White, the international open call for all photographers and videoartists, curated by Paul di Felice and Marinella Paderni, supported by Celeste Network and the Fondazione Studio Marangoni. 3,000 € prizes in the categories 'Best Project' and 'Best Single Work'. Theme for works is Personal Identities Winners will be chosen by the curators Paul di Felice e Marinella Paderni at the final exhibition, FSM Gallery, Florence, Italy, and will run from 16 May to 16 June 2014.

Visible White

Celeste Network Celeste Network

NOVEMBER 04, 2013

Visible White is an international call for photographic and video artworks curated by Paul Di Felice and Marinella Paderni. The curators invite artists to reflect on the theme ‘You See Me. Personal Identities in the Digital Age’ 3,000 € prizes in the categories 'Best Project' and 'Best Single Work'. Entries by 28 February 2014. Entry fee is 20 € per single work uploaded directly online and 45 € per projects that can contain up to 10 photographs and/or videos . By 30 March 2014, 20 finalists will be chosen by the selection panel which includes: - Jim Casper, LensCulture - Clare Grafik, Head of exhibitions at the Photographers Gallery - Hripsime Visser, Curator of Photography at the Stedelijk Museum - Bas Vroege, Director of Paradox

Lapsus, international contest

Celeste Network Celeste Network

NOVEMBER 06, 2012

Lapsus is an International call for photographic and video projects curated by the Italian critic Marinella Paderni which invites artists to reflect on how “History of art shows us that many works were born of accidental 'mistakes' which occurred during the execution of a project, the taking of a picture or the recording of a video". More about the theme: Each project can contain up to 10 photographs and/or videos. By 30 March, 15 projects will be chosen by the selection panel. At the exhibition opening on 17 May 2013 the curator of Lapsus, Marinella Paderni, will choose the three winning projects and award € 2,000 prizes. Exhibition of the 15 projects will be at the fsmgallery, Florence and will run from 17 May to 15 June 2013.

The End, international call

Celeste Network Celeste Network

AUGUST 27, 2012

The End is an international call for works in any media, curated by the US-based Gean Moreno. Which new visual forms can the idea of 'the end' generate in our particularly turbulent historical moment? Entries online by 15 October 2012. EUR 1,000 to the winning project. The End is open to artists, photographers, designers and architects worldwide, without limits of age or experience. 10 projects selected by Gean Moreno will be exhibited 5-8 December 2012 at the Miami-Beach Regional Library, USA, during the Art/Basel/Miami Beach Fair. 40 € entry fee per project, application and submission directly online. Join Celeste Network, it’s the fastest growing network for artists and visual arts professionals worldwide, more than 47,000 members have already signed up – its free!

Extend deadline for Celeste Prize!

Celeste Network Celeste Network

AUGUST 01, 2012

Following numerous requests we have decided to extend the deadline for submissions to Celeste Prize 2012 to Wednesday 8 August, midnight Italian time. Entering Celeste Prize means you have the opportunity of being selected for international residencies and exhibitions organized by Celeste with partners. Furthermore, works submitted to the Prize receive maximum visibility in the network, as well as our commitment to fair and open selection processes. More information: To submit, login and enter your personal admin homepage, under Prize & Calls click on the box ‘Celeste Prize 2012’, click here to start: [area_riservata] We look forward to seeing your work soon! Kind regards, Steven and the Celeste Team

Celeste Prize 2012

Celeste Network Celeste Network

JUNE 20, 2012

Open call to all artists worldwide, without limits of age or experience. Top art curators pick finalist works, then it’s up to finalist artists to vote the 20,000 € prizes! Entries online by 31 July 2012. More information: Prize categories: 4,000 € Painting & Drawing Prize 4,000 € Video & Animation Prize 4,000 € Photography & Digital Graphics Prize 4,000 € Installation & Live Media Prize 3,500 € Curator's Choice Prize 500 € Public's Choice Prize 40 finalist works are chosen in September by a jury of 10 international critics & curators led by Katya Garcia-Anton. Each juror will publish his or her selections online in a totally open selection process!