Carole Gillin

Carole Gillin

About The Artist

CAROLE GILLIN (805) 578-0472 ARTISTS STATEMENT CAROLE GILLIN I am an artist who loves using all kinds of mediums to express what I feel as I go through the process of painting. I tend to mix realism with abstraction using harmonious color schemes and varied subject matter. I have been painting all my life. I taught painting and drawing for many years and have exhibited my work locally and overseas. Membership in several art organizations adds stimulation, inspiration and wonderful friendships. I feel blessed to be passionate about something that brings so much richness to my life. 1) EDUCATION 1990-present Artist workshops – with such notables as John Salmenen, Alex Vilumsons, Carol Surface, Don Andrews, Barbara Nechis, Milford Zorens, Frank Webb, Pat Deadman, Christopher Schink, Elen Pendelton, Henry Fukahara, Robert Tanenbaum, Franklyn Liegel, Catherine Chang Liu, Gerald Brommer and others. 1964-65 UCLA – Art Education Teaching Credential. 1962-63 California State University, Northridge – advanced art studies. 1959-60 San Jose State College – BA Painting Degree. 1956-59 UCLA – art major. 2) TEACHING EXPERIENCE 1992-95 Everywoman’s Village (watercolor) Willow Elementary (Agoura Hills – Drawing & Painting). 1964-71 North Hollywood Adult Schools – Portraiture, Drawing & Painting, Landscape Painting. Private Art Instruction (painting & Drawing). Gifted Children’s Association (Painting & Drawing) 3) SOLO EXHIBITS 1992 – present One woman exhibits showcasing oils, watercolors, mixed media and acrylics in a number of galleries and private venues. 4) SHOW CURATOR 2009 “Five” - Valley Institute of Visual Art 2005 “Five” – Valley Institute of Visual Art 2001 Thousand Oaks Art Association – Thousand Oaks City Gallery 2000 Westlake Village Art Guild – Thousand Oaks City Gallery Inseperable Wings – VIVA Gallery, Northridge, CA 1998 “The Eclectic Electric Exhibit” – VIVA Gallery, Northridge, CA 1995 Ventura Art Walk – The Livery Gallery, Ventura, CA 1996 “Five Minus One” – Topanga Canyon Gallery, Topanga, CA 5) SHOW JUROR 1999 Westlake Village Artist Guild Membership Show. 6) AWARDS 2011 Best of Show (watermedia) and 3rd place (aqua Media) 2008 Juror’s Award – Burbank Center for the Arts – Membership Show 2007 Blessing Semler Award – Women Painters West – Viva Gallery – December, 2007 2006 Best Composition Award - Spring Artshow – 2006, On line 1st and 3rd awards mixed media category - California Gold Coast Watercolor Society 2005 Merchandise Award – VIVA Gallery – Collage Society 2003 Honorable Mention The Brewery Annex – Los Angeles – Women Painters West Show. 2002 Second Place – mixed media – Malibu Art Association – Weissman Museum of Art – Pepperdine University. Honorable Mention aquamedia – Westlake Village Art Guild Membership Show. 2 awards: solo award and a people’s choice award – Calvary Community Church Arts Festival juried show. 2000 Honorable Mention – aquamedia – juried show – California Gold Coast Watercolor Society. 1997 Honorable mention watercolor – juried show – Women Painters West – Missinlink Gallery. Second Place Award – mixed media – juried show – Westlake Village Art Guild – membership show. 1962-64 First Place Award – Juried Show sponsored by the Woodland Hills Women’s Club. 7) MEMBERSHIPS Buenaventura Art Association – active Collage Artists of America – active National Watercolor Society – associate Ventura County Arts Council Women Painters West – signature 8) WEB PAGES Carole,