Frank Barron

Frank Barron

About The Artist

Frank Barron com Born June 1957 in the southern United States, moved to California at the age of seven. Growing up in California’s San Fernando Valley Frank started painting at the age of twelve. He is now living in West Hollywood California working in many mediums, oil portraiture, mobile sculpture and now ceramics. Education: 1970 Scholarship in sculpture, C.S.U. Northridge. 1975 Pearce College, perspective drawing, fine art drawing, lithography, animation, and film making.. Work in ceramics from 1970 – 1977 1984 U.C.L.A. two semesters of photography with Jerry Mc Millan, and one semester of lighting for photography. 1986 Friends of Photography Workshop, Carmel, California, with Morly Bare, John Sexten, and Jack Wallpots. Architecture, Interior Design, and CAD rendering. Shows: April 14 through June 30 2012 American Museum of Ceramic Art, Pomona, CA, USA Big Fish Small Pot V Fifth International Small Teapot Competition Sumo Teapot sold to the Kamm Foundation May 20th 2011 El Camino College Student Show May 20th 2011 Revive Japan Silent Auction Craft and Folk Art Museum May 8th 2010 American Museum of Ceramic Art April 29th 2011 22nd Annual CCACA California Conference For the Advancement of Ceramic Art 2009 Student show Santa Monica Collage Pete & Susan Barrett Art Gallery Santa Monica March 19th 2010 Water Project Pete & Susan Barrett Art Gallery Santa Monica