Orlando Castro

Orlando Castro

About The Artist

Orlando Castro Ortiz He is born on July 26, 1961 in Las Piedras, Puerto Rico. He possesses a Master in Fine Arts (Painting) (Academic Excellence Medal ) of the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico, Enclosure of San Germán (2003) and a Baccalaureate in Humanities with concentration in Plastic Arts, (Magna Cum Laude) University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico. His speciality is in Painting and Drawing. Among his individual exhibitions in Puerto Rico are: (2012) “Mirada…” Peñuela Museum, Peñuela Puerto Rico; (2008) “Reminiscencias”, URY Gallery, San Juan, Puerto Rico (2006) Of the mythical thing ... and of the arcane thing, Dilan Gallery San Juan, Puerto Rico; (2004) “Amverso y Reverso “Gallery The House of Arts, San Juan; (2003) “...arropas de Cundiamores”" Museum of Art of Caguas, Caguas; (2002) “ ...por un sendero entre mayas arropas de....” Gallery of the Department of Art, Interamerican University, San Germán. Some collective exhibitions are(2012) Effetto Biennale Merida Museum, Yucatan Mexico(2011) Year End International Artist Miami, Florida USA; (2008) Nude Nite, Orlando, Florida, USA , (2007) 10th Latin American Art Exhibition, Broward Community College, Florida; (2006) International Artist in California, Latino Art Museum, Pomona, California USA; 2006 ARWI Art and Wine Fair Puerto Rico Convention Center San Juan Puerto Rico; (2006) Hispanic Heritage in America, Museum of the Americas, Miami Florida USA; (2005) Sixth Collective of Artists of the Valley of the Turabo, Museum of the University of the Turabo, Gurabo, Puerto Rico, International Fair of Gent's Art, Belgium Pavilion of the Art, Frankfurt, Germany, Lounge Vald'Or, Paris, France . Presencia Boricua, Museum of the Americas, Miami, Florida, USA; (2003) There shows Native of Plastic Arts, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2002 Plastic Artists of the Valley of the Turabo, a Decade of Creation 1992-2002 University of the Turabo, Gurabo, Puerto Rico; Forceful, Gallery Petrus, San Juan, Puerto Rico (Nominated as Best Collective Exhibition of Puerto Rican (AICA) (1991) " Sixth Annual International Exhibition of Miniature Art, Of The Beautiful Gallery ", Toronto, Canada. Among his more important distinctions they are:(2011) Best of the Show Award Year End International Artist; (2006) First Prize International Artist in California, Latino Art Museum, Pomona California USA; (2006) Honorary Mention Hispanic Heritage in America, Museum of the Americas Miami Florida USA; (2002) I Reward The Best first Individual Professional Exhibition, Critics' International Association of Art (AICA); (001) The First Prize Painting (Medal UNESCO), National Exhibition of the Puerto Rrican Artist (ENDAPP), Aguadilla, Puerto Rico; (1984) The First Prize Painting and The First Prize in Draw, the XIth University Contest of Plastic Arts of the UPR, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico.