ayten mungan

ayten mungan

About The Artist

Name and surname : Ayten MUNGAN Place of Birth : ?zmir Telophone number : 02322284964/05335714875 e- mail address : aytenmungan@yahoo.com web address www.turkishpaintings.com The artist was born in ?zmir and graduated from the History Department of ?zmir Buca Education Faculty. She began to painting paralel to her poetry studies. The artist , opened more than 44. individual exhibitions, has a telling in a spiritual and abstract way and using her own symbols in order to describe her experiences in life without bounding of a certain line. She works with difficult materials and expreses her stories about the themes of reencarnation, metamorphosis, creation and woman by using the world of colours. The artist works on a paper by using oil paint with a different marbling technique which belongs to own. She uses time to time miniature and lettering figures . She believes in that colours are universal such as music and mathematic and uses colours bravely like fascinating colour sectrum in an harmony. She loves to play with colours. She creates an hormony as duo, trio, nontet together with energetic red, restful green, powerful black with brave white, free blue with noble purple , happy yellow with costy orange . The artist expresses that her aim is catching the universality in her works of arts and also aims having the effect on her viewers by creating love, happiness, metamorphosis waves , abolishing intolerance and aims to contribute them for completing their spritual construction by going on adventure to their own internal world . Her paintings takes place in various collections in Turkey and abroad. One of her paintings became a book cover of Cemil Kavukçu named ‘Gamba ‘ published in Germany. She still continues producing her works at her own studio in ?zmir . PR?ZES 1-2005, Painting and Sculpture competition of Cultural Ministery of Turkey -exhibited 2-2011, The Second Master Cup International Illustration Biennial,Ç?N, Special Prize of Jury meeting 3-2011, The Second Master Cup International Illustration Biennial, Ç?N, Honorary Prize 4-2011, The Second Master Cup International Illustration Biennial, Ç?N, Honorary Prize 5-2011, The Second Master Cup International Illustration Biennial, Ç?N, Excellent Prize 6-2011, The Second Master Cup International Illustration Biennial,Ç?N, Excellent Prize 7-2011, 2ndS Lessedra ?nt. Painting and Mixed media Competition,Bulgaria – exhibition prize 8-2012, AMATERAS Annual Paper Art Exhibition/competition,Sofia,Bulgaria, exhibition prize 9-2012 2nd gold panda ?nternet?onal cartoon and ?llustration competition,THE SPEC?AL PR?ZE OF JURY MEET?NG(COPPER PANDA METAL) PERSONEL EXH?B?T?ONS 1. 2011 Lessedra Art Gallery,Sofia Bulgaria –?nternational mixed exhibition 2. 2011 ?nt. contamporary art?st and modern expression Project group ,Lecce Italy- 3. 2011 Immagina Arte Modern ve Ça?da? Sanat Fuar? ,Reggio Emilia,?TALY) , 4. 2011 ?zmir Konak Belediyesi Prf.Türkan Saylan Kültür Merkezi /?ZMir 5. 2011 1.?zmir Uluslar aras? Sanat Bienali/?ZM?R 6. 2011 ?zmir Büyük?ehir Belediyesi Çetin Emeç Sanat Galersi/?ZM?R 7. 2010 ?zmir Devlet Resim Heykel müzesi /?zmir 8. 2010 Devlet Resim Heykel ve Etnografya Müzesi ÖSKEMEN/ KAZAK?STAN 9. 2009 Bülent Ecevit Kültür Merkezi KARTAL/?STANBUL 10. 2008 Çanakkale Devlet Güzel Sanatlar Galerisi /ÇANAKKALE 11. 2008 ?zmir Devlet Resim Heykel müzesi/?ZM?R 12. 2008 Atilla ?lhan Kültür Merkezi karma sergi Alsancak /?ZM?R 13. 2008 Yunus Emre Kültür Merkezi Sergi salonu Ataköy/ ?STANBUL 14. 2008 Bar?? Manço Kültür Merkezi Kad?köy /?STANBUL 15. 2007 Ege Bölgesi Sanayi Odas? Sanat Galerisi /?ZM?R 16. 2007 Ayd?n Devlet Güzel Sanatlar Galerisi /AYDIN 17. 2007 Çe?me Arkoloji müzesi Sanat Galerisi ÇE?ME /?ZM?R 18. 2006 Ege Bölgesi Sanayi Odas? Galerisi / ?ZM?R 19. 2006 Ankara Ziraat Bankas? Ku?ulu Sanat Galerisi /ANKARA 20. 2006 Akyaka Kültür Merkezi Yücelen Otel /MU?LA 21. 2006 Ayasofya Müzesi /?STANBUL 22. 2006 Rassegna d’arte Roma /?TALYA 23. 2006 Bursa Tayyare Kültür Merkezi /BURSA 24. 2006 ?zmir Resim Heykel Müzesi Yar??ma Sergisi /?ZM?R 25. 2006 Ankara Resim Heykel Müzesi Yar??ma Sergisi / ANKARA 26. 2006 ?zmir Ticaret Odas? Sanat Galerisi/ ?ZM?R 27. 2005 Isparta Devlet Güzel sanatlar Galerisi / ISPARTA 28. 2005 ?? Bankas? Sanat Galerisi /?ZM?R 29. 2005 Fethiye Belediyesi Sanat Galerisi FETH?YE / MU?LA 30. 2005 Alaçat? Kültür Merkezi ÇE?ME /?ZM?R 31. 2004 Ege Bölgesi Sanayi Odas? Sanat Galerisi KORDON / ?ZM?R 32. 2004 Çe?me Arkeoloji Müzesi Sanat Galerisi ( kale içi ) ÇE?ME / ?ZM?R 33. 2004 Devlet Güzel Sanatlar Galerisi /ANTALYA 34. 2004 Caddebostan Ö?retmen Evi BA?DAT CADDES? / ?STANBUL 35. 2004 Tömer Sanat Galerisi ALSANCAK / ?ZM?R 36. 2004 Küp Kafe Sanat Evi KADIKÖY / ?STANBUL 37. 2003 Devlet Güzel Sanatlar Galerisi ÇANAKKALE 38. 2003 ?leti?im Sanat Galerisi ALSANCAK/ ?ZM?R 39. 2003 Çakabey Kültür Merkezi ( Eski Kilise ) ÇE?ME / ?ZM?R 40. 2003 Tayyare Kültür Merkezi Sanat Galerisi HEYKEL/ BURSA 41. 2002 Ö?retmenler Günü Karma Sergi Salonu AKM/ ?ZM?R 42. 2002-2000-1999-1998 Özdere Uluslararas? Kültür ve Sanat Festivali /?ZM?R 43. 2002 Devlet Demir Yollar? Sergi Salonu ALSANCAK/ ?ZM?R 44. 2001 Ki?isel Resim Segisi BASMANE/ ?ZM?R 45. 2001 Bar?? Konulu Karma Sergi / ?STANBUL 46. 2000 Aditya Sanat Evi ALSANCAK/ ?ZM?R 47.2012 Cihangir sanat galerisi BEYO?LU/?STANBUL 48.2012 Tayyare Kültür Merkezi HEYKEL/BURSA