Dieter Mammel

Dieter Mammel

About The Artist

biography Lives in Berlin, Germany 2013 Videoinstallation "Ghost Riders" from 2013 Studio at ATELIERFRANKFURT, Frankfurt am Main 2010 Filminstallation "Under Deep Water" Osthaus Museum Hagen, Pera Museum Istanbul 2008 Project curator of the exhibition "Istanbul Art Affairs", Galerie Hübner/Frankfurt 2007-2013 Studio-Fellowship of the City Frankfurt am Main 2007 Theatral Installation for MS Schrittmacher "Begeben Sie sich" Akademie der Künste, Berlin 2006 Scene-painter for stageplay "Die Unerreichbaren", Ballhaus Ost, Berlin 2000-2004 Studio-fellowship of the Senat für Kulturelle Angelegenheiten, Berlin 2001 Installation " Mammel's Dream", Hotel Künstlerheim Luise, Berlin 2000 Lightinstallation "Himmel auf Erden" in Mahlow, Berlin 1998-2002 Teacher at the Mediadesign Akademie, Berlin 1998-2000 Studio-fellowship of Karl-Hofer-Gesellschaft, Berlin 1997-2003 Work-contract of Künstlerförderung in Berlin Studio-fellowship of the Senat für Kulturelle Angelegenheiten, Berlin 1995 Sponsorship of the Arnhold Hilfsfonds der Akademie der Künste, Berlin 1993 Fellowship of the Senat für Kulturelle Angelegenheiten, Berlin 1991 Villa Serpentara, Olevano/Italien; fellowship of Akademie der Künste, Berlin 1991 Master of Fine Art in Berlin 1986-1991 Studies of graphic at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Stuttgart, Germany and painting at the Hochschule der Künste in Berlin, Germany 1965 Born in Reutlingen, Germany