Oksana Grineva

Oksana Grineva

About The Artist

Oksana Grineva, now a Chicago based artist, was born in the highly industrialized city of Tomsk Siberia . At the age of three she began drawing and painting. As she was growing up, long cold winters provided the perfect opportunity for pursuing her love of art. Her parents moved the family to the Ukraine where Oksana attended several schools. Oksana is a graduate of the Samokisha Art College in Simferopol and Kharkov Art Academy , where she received her M.B.A. Oksana lived in Turkey for three years where she became highly recognized as an up and coming artist for her dramatically expressive paintings. Oksana creates captivating light filled floral, landscape and figurative oil paintings that invite the viewer to become a part of her vision of joy, beauty and elegance. Her oil paintings are filled with rich color and energetic brushstroke adding her feelings of movement and life to her art. When combined with her sensitivity of form, light, shadow and color, Oksana’s paintings establish a captivating feeling of peacefulness. Her brush unveils true intimacy. She opens an individual’s intense personal involvement with a thought or memory or with something beautiful. Oksana has exhibited and sold both locally, nationally and internationally. She has held exhibitions in Houston , Hot Spring, Chelsea NY, Long Iland NY, Los Angeles,Kansas City, Chicago and Ankara and Istanbul , Turkey . Her paintings hang in private collections, restaurants and corporate offices. www.oksanasart.com