About The Artist

Born in Istanbul, 1984. In 2006, she received her BFA degree from Yeditepe University Plastic Arts Department and. In 2011, she received her MFA from the same department. The method Oskay uses in her work is a correlation between interpretive vision and the deformation of the art works from any period of history. Oskay’s work is based on how artists throughout art history copied nature through their interpretation. In time, an environment emerged, where the works of art interpreting the nature can be reinterpreted through deformation. In the course of history, it has become inevitable for the artists to be in interaction with other artists and reflect the traces of past artists in their work. Bahar Oskay reinterprets in her own style, actually existing works of art that she selects from the history of art, where nature is copied from a different perspective, based on a particular object and the nature, which is in the center of such work. This reality is based on approaching an already-interpreted work of art for the second time in Oskay’s pictures, with the core theme of nature. The necessity that the works of art can be the subjects of interpretation, and more precisely, the necessity that the works of art are merely interpretable results in the perception that works of art are not timeless. On the contrary, the works of art, as the works formed with their peculiar history, are objectively and continuously changing. In the work of Bahar Oskay, this change is dominant. Bahar Oskay currently continues with her PhD education at Y?ld?z Technical University University, Art and Design Department.