Jennifer Foxley

Jennifer Foxley

About The Artist

Jennifer Foxley is known to make her own paint, mix a variety of media, and create frames for her paintings in a variety of shapes. She has a variety of paraphernalia in her toolbox: photographic media, pigments, toners, inks, markers, pen and both oil and acrylic at times layered, at times gradated. Inspired by the constellations in the sky, chakra colors, and remnants from former pieces, Jennifer aspires to evoke hushed tones and the barely perceptible gesture in her work. Her current work brings to mind the work of Richard Tuttle and Mike Kelley. Exploratory and experimental, Jennifer works with ideas and concepts at the edge of traditional painting. Inspired by a more soft-spoken, meditative and ambient approach to visual art in a modern world that often screams at us and insists upon our distractibility, Jennifer asks us to approach the world from a subtler place.