Greco  Bruno

Greco Bruno

About The Artist

Bruno Greco was born in Varese (North Italy) in 1951 and from his childhood distinguished himself at first for the natural endowments in freehand drawing and then in painting. He took a degree in Engineering, but never forgot his passion , showed in the juvenile works(1969-1977). He devoted many years to family and industrial work, then he started again with enthusiasm the artistic activity with several collective and one-man shows in all Italy, Paris, London, New York, Barcellona, Athene, San Josè, Hangzou, Locarno, Bruxelles, Berlino, Hong Kong, Stoccarda and Moscow, introduced by important criticians. He lives and works in Casciago (Varese)- Italy Figurative painter in the oil technic, since 2007 he has introduced also artistic works in acrylic inspired to the inner interpretations of the impulsive emotions of the being, signed "brown777 B.G.". Inspiration: "In the world which is around me, in the nature, in the intensity of a gaze or in the poetry of a landscape, I feel the synthesis of that beauty which makes my being vibrating and moves my feelings. Fixing on canvas all that it's like to elevate a hymn of praise to the creation throughout a colors symphony which I would like echoing in a space without time " by Bruno Greco. Bruno Greco - Casciago (VA)- Italy E-mail : Website :