Macey Lipman

Macey Lipman

About The Artist

I've loved painting since I was a kid. Later in life, as marketing director to many well-known recording artists, I could not pursue my love for painting because of the demands of business and global travel. When I  made the decision to leave the music Industry, I traveled to Italy for several months a year to study at the Michelangelo Istituto  Accademia d' Arte in Florence. My passion for Italy, its beautiful, ancient landscape and its zest for life has served me well in the pursuit of art. I labor with intensity over the details and techniques of my canvases for months-on-end until the final brush stroke.  I have recently been included in the INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS BOOK published November 2013, and the INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY MASTERS BOOK VOL.VIII,  published January 2014. I recently won the Muriel Alvord memorial award from the 81st  annual Hudson Valley Art Association Juried Exhibition in July 2013. I also have  a new, revised website to give online access to my art at