torrisi anne marie

torrisi anne marie

About The Artist

339 Les Cabanes Blétonnières - 06790 ASPREMONT Siret : 349 364 299 00025 - APE : 9003A - MAISON DES ARTISTES - PARIS - N° CB51105 Whereas some people, since childhood, show an innate talent for pictorial art and improve it over the years, some of them make it their leisure and passion, and some others make it their profession, this was not my case. St Luke, Patron of Painters, will forgive me for having been totally ignorant on the subject until adulthood, when my spiritual path showed me the way to painting, that beautiful expression of the soul. My spiritual progress increased constantly with age, through the trials of life for, I would say, "exploding", making me stronger to face and eventually overcome them. This expanded my sensitivity and my mediumship, allowing me to receive communications from departed souls through various means such as automatic writing, inspirations, visions or dreams, instilling among others, pictures to paint. And that is how, as neophyte Painter, I took my time and calmly started sitting in front of my canvas, letting myself be guided by different perceptions, or to reproduce drawings and instructions given to me by automatic writing. All this gave another meaning to my life, and I felt the urgent need to share these emotions with a larger audience. I hope that every person looking at my paintings feels and shares the feelings expressed therein. Anne-Marie TORRISI Facebook anne marie torrisi