Palma Nasoni

Palma Nasoni

About The Artist

I’m from Rome, Italy. My passion for painting started when I was in High School experimenting with different techniques. I started occupying myself with graphic design and later painting. Coming back after a period spent in America, I felt the necessity to attend a serious painting course at a prestigious school, which resulted in a Master’s Degree in Arts – Scuola di San Giacomo, Arti Ornamentali and Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma — and an understanding of what I wanted to paint — spiritual figures and nature. I became inspired by travelling and seeing the wonders of the world outside Italy, while the spiritual images have inspired me with the Roman atmosphere. I currently use acrylic paints, which allow me to express myself with velocity. My paintings express a triumphant connection between the real world and the unreal part of the world we cannot yet see. My work represents the need to express my inner self, become what I really am without confusing Identity with Eccentricity.