About The Artist

Was born on the 6th of June 1968 in Aiud (Romania), finished his studies in the local “Bethlen Gabor” College (1987). In 1992 - 1995 continued his studies at the School of Art from Alba Iulia (Romania). Student at the American University Bucharest - Art & Arhitecture (1997 - 1999). December 2007 he finished the Popa’s Academy - Timisoara, graphic / engraving section.He studied engraving techniques with the hungarian master Kantor Janos (1995 - 2000) and art philosophy with the Indian master Chiru Chakravarty(2001 - 2003). Since 1991 he is full time artist. Collective exhibitions, Art symposiums International Print Exhibition from Kanagawa (Japan - 1997) Odessa - ART ’99 International Exhibition (Ukraine - 1999) Print Triennale Cairo (Egypt - 1999, 2002, 2005) Small Print Biennale, Velles (Macedonia - 2002) Sinaide Ghi International Aquarell Exhibition Rome (Italy - 2000) “10 artists from Transylvania” Exhibition Bombay (India - 2001) “Inter-Art” Retrospective Exhibition, Istanbul (Turkey - 2001) “Inter-Art” Retrospective Exhibition, Bombay (India - 2003) International Art Exhibition - “Solidarity”, Rabat (Morocco - 2006) Permanent member of the International Artcamp in Gyomaendröd (Hungary - 2003) International Artcamp Bekescsaba (Hungary - 2001, 2002, 2003) International Art Symposium - ”Karantina Adasi”, Urla (Turkey - 2005) International Art Symposium. Fleiss East West Artists. Carei (Romania - 2007) International Art Symposium. Veranka Island (Hungary - 2007, 2011) International Convention of Modern Art, Stuttgart (Germany - 2008) International Graphic Exhibition - Budapest (Hungary - 2008) „Colors of Sahara” International Exhibition-Laayoune (2008) “Inter-Art” International Exhibition, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington DC (USA - 2008) “Inter-Art” International Exhibition, United Nations Headquarter, New York (USA - 2009) International Mail Art Exhibition “Waterfall”, Somerwille (USA - 2009) International Spring Exhibition for Visual Arts, Rabat - Morocco (May - 2009) Time Project - International Exhibition (12 artists - 6 continents) ,Rabat - Morocco (May - 2009) Time Project - International Exhibition (12 artists - 6 continents), Windhoek - Namibia (July - 2009) Time Project - International Exhibition (12 artists - 6 continents), Alba Iulia , Romania (August - 2009) “Inter-Art” International Exhibition, Wien ,Austria (November - 2009) „Small works for big impact“ International Exhibition - Mühlhausen (Germany - 2010) Time Project - International Exhibition (12 artists - 6 continents) - Pondicherry - India (february - 2011) Great Exhibition Assisi, Palazzo Monte Frumentario (Assisi, Italy-2011) International Sculpture Art Symposium: - Madara (Bulgaria - 2011) Time Project - International Exhibition (12 artists - 6 continents), Buenos Aires, Argentina(August - 2011) “Inter-Art” International Exhibition, New Arts Program Gallery, Kutztown, Pennsylvania (USA - September 2011) “Inter-Art” International Exhibition, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington DC (USA - September 2011) International Exhibition for Digital and Printmaking - Alexandria (Egypt - November 2011) Time Project - International Exhibition (12 artists - 6 continents) - Hannover - Germany (February - 2012) IInd CNA International Art Symposium - Doha (Qatar - 2012) International Art View - Viena (Austria - 2012) International Exhibition „Graphic borders” - 2012, Shumen (Bulgaria) International Triennial of Graphic Art - 2012, Bitola (Macedonia) OSTEN Biennial of drawing, Skopje 2012 (Macedonia) I-st International Art Camp, Petion Ville 2012 (Haiti) International Exhibition “freedom and Art without borders”, European Parliament –Brussels (Belgium-2013) International Exhibition „Art on paper” - 2013, Shumen (Bulgaria) International Exhibition “NATIONS-WATER-CULTURES”, United Nations Headquarter, New York (USA - 2013) 27-th ASROPA International Art Exhibition, „Santarosa” Gallery-2013, Gunsan (South Korea) 28-th ASROPA International Art Exhibition, „Korean Cultural Center-2013, Vienna (Austria) II-nd International Art Camp, Petion Ville 2013 (Haiti) Romanian Art Exhibition, Petion Ville 2013 (Haiti) Romanian Art Exhibition “L’Art qui unit”, UCCLE Cultural Center–Brussels (Belgium-2013) International Mail - Art Exhibitions Aiud (Romania - 1993, 1998, 2000 - 2013), Novoli (Italy - 1995), Copenhagen (Denmark - 1996), Quartu (Italy - 1996), Maastricht (Holland - 1996), Minden (Germany - 1997), Groningen (Holland - 1998), Aiud (1998), Wellen and Tongeren (Belgium 1999), Oslo (Norway - 1999), Deventer (Holland - 2000), Dresden (Germany), Limoges (France - 2000, 2001), Ostrense (Italy - 2001), Buenos Aires (Argentina - 2001), Ceuta (Spain - 2004,2007,2009, 2010, 2011,2012,2013), Ghana (North Africa - 2005), Hameenlinna (Finland - 2005), Debrecen (Hungary - 2007), Maracay (Venezuela - 2009), Somerwille (USA - 2009), Monterrey (Mexico - 2010), Craiova (Romania - 2010), Buenos Aires (Argentina - 2010), Miskolc (Hungary - 2010) University of Massachusetts, Amherst (USA - 2011), Alba Iulia (Romania – 2012,2013) Caricature and cartoon exhibitions Trento (Italy - 1994, 1997), Fano (Italy - 1996, 1997, 1998), Torino (Italy - 1997), London (Great Britain - 1998), Tokyo (Japan - 1998, 1999), Iztapalapa (Mexico - 1998), Cairo (Egypt - 1998), Lefkossa (Cyprus - 1998), Ciudad de la Habana (Cuba - 1998), Taipei (Taiwen - 1998), Marostica (Italy - 1998), Olen (Belgium - 1999), Kragujevac (Yugoslavia - 1999), Piaui (Brazil - 1999), Fene A - Coruna (Spain - 1999), Groetsenhoven (Belgium - 1999), Piracicaba (Brazil - 2000), Dar es Salaam (Tanzania - 2003), Ottawa (Canada - 2005), Antioquita (Columbia - 2005), Gura Humorului(Romania - 2006,2012), Istanbul (Turkey - 2011), Alba Iulia (Romania – 2012,2013), Fagaras (2013). Personal exhibitions Aiud (1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2009,2013), Sovata (Romania - 1995), Rimetea (Romania - 1997, 1999, 2006,2010), Gyomaendröd (Hungary - 1997, 2001), Csorvás (Hungary - 1998), Alba Iulia (Romania - 2000, 2007,2011, 2012), Sebes (Romania - 2002), Blaj (Romania - 2002), Bekescsaba (Hungary - 2002), Csongrád (Hungary - 2002), Cluj Napoca (Romania - 2003), Sibiu (Romania - 2003, 2004), Cairo (Egypt - 2003), Bombay (India - 2003), Gura Humorului (Romania - 2008),Vienna (Austria - 2006, 2009,2010), Hauho (Finland - 2010), Bucuresti (Romania - 2011),Bernardsville (U.S.A. - 2012),Petion Ville (Haiti-2012), New York (USA-2013). Experimental shows The Infinity of the shadows” - Virtual exhibition (Aiud, Romania - 1995), “Beyond the shadows” - Virtual exhibition (Aiud, Romania - 2001), “Adam and Eva” (Aiud, Romania - 2004), “Reality of illusion” (Aiud, Romania - 2008), “ The illusion of reality” (Aiud, Romania - 2010), “Reborn memories” (Aiud, Romania - 2013) Prizes “Liviu Rebreanu” Cultural Day’s Fine Art’s Prize (Aiud - 1993) Graphic Extra Prize in the “Light of Art” contest (Aiud - 1996) Winning prize “Courage World” Cartoon contest (Taipei, Taiwan - 1999) The Jury’s Extra Prize for Caricature (Gura Humorului, Romania - 2005) IIIrd Prize, „Dreamland Transsylvania” Art Contest (Cisnadie, Romania - 2007) Awward of Excellence, IIIrd „Alb Umor” International Humour Festival, Alba Iulia (Romania - 2012) In August 1999 published his book “Tomorow’s touch” (fantastic short stories), in August 2007 the book “Crossing” and December 2012 “Miniature thoughts”. His paintings can be found in the vol. VI (page 28) of the INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS album, published in april 2013 by ICA Publishing New York. The initiator and leader of the International “Inter-Art” Artcamp in Aiud (1996 - 2013), the International “Inter-Art” Youth Artcamp - Aiud (2006 - 2013), International “Wine - Art” Graphic Camp - Alba Iulia (2007, 2008), International “Prison Art” Camp - Aiud (2008). Coorganizer and participant of the International Humour Festival - Aiud, International Photo and Documentary Movie Festival “Art - Aiud” Aiud, International Mail Art Exhibitions - Aiud, Intercontinental Small Graphic Biennial - Aiud. He founded (together with Ioan H?d?rig and Robert Lixandru) the “Inter-Art” Foundation Aiud Romania, the “Inter-Art” Galleries and the “Inter-Art” Contemporary Art Museum in Aiud, Romania. President of the “Inter-Art” Foundation Aiud, Romania. Stefan Balog has works in private and state collections in more than 30 countries from all over the world. www.inter -