Eco Fashion


MARCH 20, 2021

see the beautiful wearable eco-paper art of our interdisciplinary Eco-Artist Renate Schweizer

woman on conflict


JULY 13, 2016

presenting the artist Renate Schweizer with her work dealing with the temporary global conflict and questions between western and islamic women's life and religion . 1. title: "Woman in conflict" - how can I accept the other " - size : 80 x 40 cm - medium: mixed media ( network, performance, photography, digital) 2. title: " Woman between dark and light", size: 80 x 40 cm, medium: mixed media ( network, performance, photography, digital) 3. title: "Woman in dialog - we don't understand", size: 40 x 40 cm, medium: mixed media ( network, performance, photography, digital) 4. title: " Woman lost in the global" , size: 40 x 40 cm, medium: mixed media ( network, performance, photography, digital) 5. title: " Woman - where am I going to", size: 40 x 40 cm. medium: selfie photography

Renate Schweizer - artist talk


AUGUST 22, 2015

What's the value of making art? Why using old worthless teabags without any value? Which value have people, nature and earth in your mind? Are you interested to find a different kind of view and to change perspectives ? Making art with old teabags is dealing with the question about judging the value of people, of human beings, of nature, animals, of work, natural sources, different kinds of thougths and minds... Since more than 10 years the german artist Renate Schweizer is using old used teabags as art-material in different ways: Installations, Collages, wearable Art, performances... You are very welcome to come and to see, to discover the new value of things, we didn't give any concern after we valued it as worthless

50 shades of teabags


MAY 24, 2015

solo-exhibition of the intermodal working artist Renate Schweizer with art made of old used teabags! This art-work is really unique! This year Renate's art is presented in the Redland Art Gallery, Cleveland, Australia; in the Negev Museum of Art, Beer Sheva, Israel, in MAMÜ Gallery Budapest, at ARTVENICE Biennale2015 and at International Hani Paper Fashion Show 2015 Jeonju, South Korea. Her present Solo-Exhibition is places at the Gallery KunstWohlfahrt in Karlsruhe, Germany

50 shades of teabags


MAY 24, 2015

solo-exhibition of the intermodal working artist Renate Schweizer with art made of old used teabags! This art-work is really unique! This year Renate's art is presented in the Redland Art Gallery, Cleveland, Australia; in the Negev Museum of Art, Beer Sheva, Israel, in MAMÜ Gallery Budapest, at ARTVENICE Biennale2015 and at International Hani Paper Fashion Show 2015 Jeonju, South Korea. Her present Solo-Exhibition is places at the Gallery KunstWohlfahrt in Karlsruhe, Germany



MARCH 22, 2014

PREVIEW.SÜD Gallery in Karlsruhe, Germany presents an brilliant exhibition with artists from Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Italiy and Germany. You can see a bright spectrum of contemporary art going in dialog with each others nationality in the language of the arts. Art as a bridge and an 'act of understanding' in the difference and the common between foreign cultures is seen in the smart and tender arrangement of the wonderful works of the hungarian artists Fecsó Andrea and Mátyás Czanik, of Vlado Franjevic from Croatia /Liechtenstein, and of Renate Schweizer, Germany. The exhibition 'Artladung' is presenting the multiple voice of power in contemporary arts today in its best.