Ole Skovsmose

Ole Skovsmose

About The Artist

Ole Skovsmose was born in Denmark, but is now living most of his time in Brazil. He has staged exhibitions in galleries and museums in England, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Spain, Portugal, The Netherlands, Norway, Bulgaria, Brazil, and Denmark. He has participated in various collaborative art projects, for instance combining music and painting. He is a member of various art associations including Association Internationale des Arts Plastiques. In the book SAUDADE, one can read more about some his pantings including the projects: Faces as Landcapes, Touching the Horizon, and The Four Graces: In TV BRASIL one find a presentation where Ole Skovsmose is participating: http://tvbrasil.ebc.com.br/reporterbrasil/bloco/bela-bienal-conta-com-a-participacao-de-90-artistas-no-rio If one has comments or questions, maybe interested in buying a picture, please write to oskpictures@gmail.com or osk@learning.aau.dk Address in Denmark: Ole Skovsmose, Møllevej 10B, 9520 Skørping, Denmark. Address in Brazil: Ole Skovsmose, Rua 4, No. 555, Apto 44, CENTRO, 13500-030, Rio Claro, SP, Brazil. RECENT EXHIBITIONS. Lessedra Art Gallery, Sofia, Bulgarien, 2015-2016. ”Hverdagssmilet – og andre fortælinger”, Galeri Tornby, Bindslev, Nordjylland. Himmerlands Teater, Hobro, 2015. MUNDO INTERIOR. Internet gallery. mwww.mundointerior.com.br/category/pintores/ole-skovsmose/. ”Kunst i Stenum”, Stenum 2015. ”Emotions” together with Anne Grethe Aaen, Galleri Himmerland, Gatten at Aars, 2015. ”Aalborg in Colours”, Aalborg, 2015. Biennial of European and Latin American Contemporary Art (BELA), Museu Histórico Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, 2015. Lessedra Art Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2014. Galleri Inuit, Aalborg, 2014. “Art Shopping”, Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, 2014. “Jogo das Artes” Centro Cultural Light, Rio de Janeiro, 2014. MVArte – Mostra Virtual de Arte, Galeria de Arte, Ana Pirolo, 2014. “They Turn North Jutland Colourful”, Dronninglund Kunstcenter, 2014. “Aalborg in Colours”, Aalborg, 2014. Galleri Zimmerart, Skørping, 2014, ”Touching the horizon”, Frederikshavn Rådhus, 2014,.”Saudades, Anxiety, Love, and other Pictures”, Galleri Himmerland, Gatten, Aars, 2013 (solo-exhibition). ”Art During Easter”, Frederiksberg, 2013. “Easter Exhibition”, Brønderslev Gymnasium, 2013. ”Easter Exhibition”, Galleri Himmerland, Gatten, Aars, 2013. Galeria Colorida, Lisabon, 2013, Buderup Ødekirke, Skørping, 2012. (Together with Edvard Hundevad.), “From dreams to Dailight”, Galleri Himmerland, Gatten, Aars, 2012, solo-exhibition. Galería Krabbe, Malaga, Spain. Biennal of European and Latin American Contemporary Art (BELA), Galeria do Palacio, Porto, Portugal, 2012. ”Escaped moments”, Kulturkøbmanden, Store Brøndum, 2012, solo-exhibition. ”Artists from Rebild”, Katrineholm Mejeri, Store Brøndum, 2011. Galleri Himmerland, Gatten, Aars, 2011, solo-exhibition. ”Diálogo”, Brazilian Contemporary Art, AVA Galleria, Helsinki, Finland, 2011. “They turn North Jutland colourful”, Dronninglund Kunstcenter, 2011. “Coffe and Tropical Colours”, Brazilian Contemporary Art, Poleeni Kulttuurikeskus, Pieksämäki, Finland, 2011. ”Art During Easter”, Frederiksberg, 2011. In preparation. “Easter Exhibition”, Gallery Himmerland, Gatten at Aars, 2011. ”Art gives life”, Art During Easter, Frederiksberg, Copenhagen, 2011. Logimatic, Aalborg, 2011, solo-exhibition. Lessedra Art Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria, December 2010 – January 2011. “Touching the Horizon” /“Tocando o Horizonte”, PontoArt, Vila Madalena, São Paulo, 2010, solo-exhibition combining paintings with poetry by Tiel Lieder. “Viewing the Art”, Kunsthal Nord, Aalborg 2010. Galleri Inuit, Aalborg 2010. Solo-exhibition. SELECTED PREVIOUS EXHIBITIONS: Easter Exhibition, Støvring Højskole, 1994. Almere Stadt, The Netherlands, 1995. Easter Exhibition, Gammel Vrå Slot, 1994. ”Somewhere in October”, Aalborg 1993 (Combining installations and music: A colaborative project together with Ove Bering, Viggo Steincke Bertelsen and Kim Hedemann Jensen.) The Danish Embassy, London, England, 1993. The Willows, Oxhott, England 1993 (solo-exhibition). Frederikshavn Art Museum, 1993. Gallery Ålborghallen, Aalborg 1992 (solo-exhibition). Gallery Marius, Copenhagen 1990. (Solo-exhibition combining paintings and poetry by Maria Giacobbe). Kunstbygningen SAK, Svendborg 1990 (solo-exhibition). “Noah’s Ark”, Aalborg 1989. Frederikshavn Art Museum, 1989. ”Standardrejser”, Ålborg Kunstpavillon 1988. (Combining paintings and modern music by Knud Riishøjgaard). Gallery Marius København 1988. Frederikshavn Art Museum 1988. Almere Stadt, Holland 1987. Ålborg Kunstpavillon 1987 (solo-exhibition combining paintings and poetry by Maria Giacobbe), Kulturhuset i Helsinki, Finland 1987. Galleri Rampelyset, Silkeborg 1986. (Solo-exhibition) Galleri Ti, Tistrup 1986. Artists’ Summer Exhibition (Kunstnernes Sommerudstilling), Tistrup 1986. Arendal Kunstforening, Norge 1985. Artists’ Easter Exhibition (Kunstnernes Påskeudstilling), Århus 1986. Ålborg Kunstpavillon, Aalborg 1985. Dronninglund Kunstcenter, Dronninglund 1985. Svendborg Amts Kunstforening, Svendborg 1985. Artists’ Autumn Exhibition(Kunstnernes Efterårsudstilling), Copenhagen 1985. Artists’ Summer Exhibition Kunstnernes Sommerudstilling, Tistrup 1985. Svendborg Amts Kunstforening, Svendborg 1985. Arendal Kunstforening, Arendal, Norge 1985. Artists’ Summer Exhibition (Kunstnernes Sommerudstilling), Tistrup 1984. Svendborg Amts Kunstforening, Svendborg 1984. Den Alternative 1983, 1984. Limfjordens Efterårsudstilling 1983.