Chrissy Thirlaway

Chrissy Thirlaway

About The Artist

I use the human form to examine the tensions between light and color, culture and emotion. My portraits express less acknowledged body forms in an attempt to nudge the mind and give a thought to how we are affected by our social inheritance. BA Fine Art (painting) Maidstone College Art 1971 Future Current & Recent Exhibitions 2014 10-18 May 2014 The Portico Gallery, London, England 13-14 July 2014 Urban Art, London, England 1-30 Nov. Finders Keepers, Conway Hall, London, UK 8th March, A Public Airing, WoW, Southbank, London,UK 2013 A Public Airing, Parliament Week, London, UK Hide, Hide Gallery, London, UK Lambeth Open, London UK Swimming Against The Tide, Hide Gallery, London, UK Urban Art, London, UK Dulwich Open, Portico Gallery, London, UK Ring The Bell, I'm Inside, 4749 Gallery, London, UK Awareness Centre, London, UK 2012 The Emperor's New Clothes, Portico Gallery, London, UK Lambeth Open, Portico Gallery, London, UK Urban Art, London, UK Dulwich Open, Portico Gallery, London, UK SNAP, Southbank Gallery, London, UK South London Women Artists, Dulwich Library, London, UK Awareness Centre, London, UK