About The Artist

Layla Al-Jawhar,Am Saudi Arabia , I am 52 years , I paint my her cultural sense and the persistent attempts to achieve a level of excellence and uniqueness. I could also feel her state of devotion in her innovative endeavour and her firm progress with steady steps reflecting her maturity and proficiency in her field. If you take a closer look My creativity, you will notice her enriched ability of expression which is full of imagination inspired from her internal essence through which the subconscious manifests itself. Figure No. 89 of the technical plastic art is a model reflecting the images stored in her imagination. As such, I molded the elements of my subject matter to be composed of a twin vision: abstract and expressional. I wisely combined a number of trends, yet highly harmonized. If we scrupulously observe this work, we may notice the colours integration wherein the artist has utilized a set of colours where the red one prevails. Caution has been exercised to evade the notion being dominated by the colour. The artist, availing my skills in using colours, differentiated between components of the figure and the background scenery. This was materialized by way of applying levels of dark & bright colours. At times, the figure overshadows the background scenery, while at other instances they are on a paralleled equilibrium. Therefore, the work is set up in accordance with a criteria of which the artist is well aware.I am spontaneously accomplished an harmonic set of colours similar to a musical note produced by a symphony device played by skillful musician. The work is also characterized by a uniformity & correlation which are difficult to an ordinary artist to realize their in-depth. An artist, as a matter of fact, unlike other individuals, is overwhelmed by excessive sentiments, undergoes sufferings, is sensitive and quickly detaches himself/herself from the companionship of his/her nearest relative. Our Artist, formulated this work to depict a state of pain and hope. The pain which she is living personified in the deaf walls expressing the length of the imprisonment tenure. And the hope which she aspires & awaits personified in the ray of light located on the forefront of the technical work. Colours were applied to vividly express the captioned state. LAYLA JAWHAR … SOLID ATTACHMENT TO THE LOCAL ENVIRONMENT The Saudi Plastic Artist, Layla Jawhar, is by virtue of her nature attached to the local environment. She exerts effort to analyze her environment and tries to reshape it not as it appears in practice but based on her own perceptual vision. Perhaps she aims at embarking at results which are deep rooted in Layla's subconscious as may be similar to a dream or a nightmare or a magic glance. In the light of the foregoing, she may not depict the desert with its geographical features but she embodies it by the magnitude of its colours and simplicity of its components as well as its clear boundaries. This clarity which is fair by its innate characteristics reflecting the desire to rest and to feel tranquility, is the thing which draws the first glance of Layla. However, this diverts to a different course leading to the desire in formulating figures. The reality of her panel indicates an irresistible desire to introduce unprecedented work to act as an oasis in the soul's desert or a torch casting light in the darkness of solitude & loneliness. I presume that this aspiration of a Saudi artist who strives to revive the ancient glories of his/her people in contemplating about civilization concepts, does not only converse with reality but also attempts to retain it.