by Prabha Shah

Artwork Description


0.0 x 0.0

50" x 16". Oil on Canvas. The all-important texture is steeped in a muddy brown. The slope of the hill on top, skimmed by a brown whiff of dust, doesn’t correspond with the dark jetty at the bottom. Another hill peeking over the top unsettles it even more. The balance, instead, is wrought from the radical vertical slice of a view. And the hint of treasure and access at the bottom. The right of the second door from the left dips into the reflective water in the front. Is it flowing at all? ! A rusty river flows calmly next to a city’s mountainous slum. The river betrays forms beneath. But other forms on it – the pole in the middle, the square slab below – hang on their own. The plank of a dark plane juts in at an angle at the bottom. But what’s there at the back near the top? Is it the golden dust of the sun on a higher, pristine peak? The soft glow reaching for the top belongs in another world. This side of the slum, layers of paint sit atop each other to absorb much light. The darkness is pierced only by specks and strips of a brilliant blue. !

Artwork Details

