The Moment

Michael Lam Michael Lam

MARCH 30, 2015

Lam is a master of Single Stroke Painting. Unlike traditional paintings, artist cannot repaint, add, or subtract paint to perfect particular parts of the painting. Single Stroke Painting requires mastering a number of variables such as the properties of paper, ink and brush, and the pressure applied in one swift motion. Many precise and calculations have to be made when creating a successful Single Stroke Painting. Similar to an orchestra, each note and instrument is utilized at the right moment to achieve beautiful harmonious music.

God Lady

Michael Lam Michael Lam

MARCH 24, 2015

It is a unique style of painting. Lam creates something innovative and something out of the comfort zone and into a new dimension of the art. The imaginations are beyond the boundary. The interaction between his painting and the viewers “pushes the viewers to new, undiscovered places in their own lives”. For more information, please visit and

God Lady

Michael Lam Michael Lam

MARCH 23, 2015

This is a unique style of painting. Lam creates something innovative and something out of the comfort zone and into a new dimension of the art. The imaginations are beyond the boundary. The interaction between his painting and the viewers “pushes the viewers to new, undiscovered places in their own lives”.