ivana petan

ivana petan

About The Artist

2007 recognized as free-lance artist by the Ministry of Culture of Slovenia from 2004 teaching pottery and ceramics, group and individual courses for children, youth and adults from 2008 geomancy projects education 2011 diploma, Geomancy Studies, VITAAA . Association for the Coexistence of Humanity, Nature and Environment, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2005- postgraduate study, Philosophy and Theory of Visual Culture, FHŠ Koper, Slovenia 2000 degree in Social Pedagogy, Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia 99-01 diploma, ceramics course, Pottery and Ceramics Workshop Magušar Ljubljana, Slovenia workshops, symposiums, projects, collaborations 2014 development and production of functional ceramics for a restaurant and a guesthouse Hiša Denk, Zgornja Kungota, Slovenia, in collaboration with le chef Grega Vra?ko 2014 ceramics for Emona Trail - Experimental journey through ancient Emona, production: House of Children and Art in cooperation with the City Museum of Ljubljana 2014 ceramic workshop for women immigrants, collaboration with MISSS, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2014 collaboration with the artist Veljko Zejak, ceramic workshop, Ig Prison (for women), Slovenia 2014 5. Plesna Nacionala, „Ne.Za.Vedno. / (the Body of Husserl)“, (a phenomenological approach to dance), butoh dance, Choreography: Ryuzo Fukuhara, Production: Zavod Federacija 2013 art project and exhibitions Prijateljska sinergija-umjetni?ke knjige u jednom primjeru, author Zoran Vidakovi?, ?ur?evac, Split, Šibenik..., Croatia 2013 ceramics for Eat and Drink Design 2013, The Month of Design 2013, Ljubljana, Slovenia, collaboration with Barbara Ogri? Markež and Klemen Košir 2013 scenography for interactive theatre play for children „Stara hiša številka 3“, author Puppet Theatre FRU-FRU, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2013 geopuncture project Honoring the Power of the Heart, GeaViva island Bra?, Croatia 2013 international art ceramic fair, Radovljica, Slovenia 2013 development and design of EM functional ceramics, Proga d.o.o., Ljubljana, Slovenia 2013 ceramic workshop, XXIX International Festival Sarajevo Sarajevska zima, Sarajevo, BiH 2012 artist in residence, Center for Contemporary Ceramics Kostas Karakitsos, Avramilia, Greece 2011 workshop Firing an ancient Greek Wood kiln, Avramilia, Greece 2011 series od ceramics courses, Institute for non-Institutional Culture Masovna, Solkan, Slovenia 2011 1st International Ceramics Design Symposium, Al Fayoum, Egypt 2010 international ceramic symposium Avramilia, Greece 2010 geopuncture project Spiral, Šempas, Slovenia, group project 2009 art project Connecting, author Branko Ba?ovi?, Ljubljana, Slovenia, group project 2009 geopuncture project Point of Peace, Ljubljana, Slovenia, group project 2009 raku firing workshop 2009 development of the concept of ceramic workshops in collaboration with The National Museum of Slovenia 2008 geopuncture project The Hologram of Europe, Ljubljana, Slovenia, group project 2008 symposium wood-fire and traditional firing techniques, Radovljica, Slovenia 2007 international symposium wood-fire kiln building and traditional firing techniques, Radovljica, Slovenia 2006-09 working in a professional team, Pottery Workshop, Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2006 ceramic workshop, The Regional Museum Koper, Slovenia 2006 „throwing and building“ summer ceramic workshop, Radovljica, Slovenia one woman exhibitions and awards 2014 My Inner Spaces, Cultural Center Sre?ko Kosovel, Sežana, Slovenia 2014 My Inner Spaces, XXX International Festival Sarajevo „Sarajevo Winter“, Gallery Hanikah, Sarajevo, BiH 2013 Seeds, XXIX International Festival Sarajevo „Sarajevo Winter“, Sarajevo, BiH, Galley Charlama: award „Silver Snowflake Sarajevo Winter“ for exhibition and workshop 2012 Magic, photography and ceramic, Bojan Brecelj & Ivana Petan, Tropical Garden, Dobrovnik, Slovenia 2012 Seeds, Gallery Grosuplje, Grosuplje, Slovenia 2011 Getting in the nearness, Gallery Tir Mostovna, Solkan, Slovenia 2010 The Quality of the Sphere – The Feminine Quality, Town hall Ljubljana, Slovenia 2009 Gallery ?okot, Split, Croatia 2007 Gallery Meduza 2, Piran, Slovenia 2006 The Event, Magušarjeva hiša, Radovljica, Slovenia 2004 2-4-7 photography & ceramics, Bojan Brecelj & Ivana Petan, Gallery Sre?iš?e, Ljubljana, Slovenia group exhibitions and awards 2015 Slowenische Moderne Keramik, Keramik Museum Berlin, Germany 2014 Contemporary Croatian Ceramics, Croatia, Italy, Spain, Argentina, Poland 2014 I. International Exhibition of Contemporary Ceramics, Bolu, Turkey 2013 International Ceramic Biennial 2013, Haacht, Belgium 2013 art project Prijateljska sinergija-umjetni?ke knjige u jednom primjeru, autor Zoran Vidakovi?, ?ur?evac, Split, Šibenik..., Croatia 2013 MATERA 02, Belgrade, Serbia 2012 Ceramica Multiplex 2012, Varaždin, Croatia, Kapfenberg, Austria 2012 Galerija Stolp, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenija 2011 Painting & Mixed Media Competition 2011, Lessedra Art Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria 2011 International Mixed Exhibition, Usak University Art Gallery, Turkey 2010 international ceramic symposium Avramilia, Kavala, Greece 2009 World Art Expo 2009, Brea, California, USA 2009 1st International Triennial of Ceramic UNICUM 09, National Museum of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2009 artists for Darfur, Izola, Koper, Slovenj Gradec, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2008 project HOME - A Charity Multi-arts display campaign for the relief of victims of Sichuan earthquakes, Hong-Kong 2008 12th Slovenian Sculpture Exhibition: Figures as Sculptures, Sculptures as Figures, Magistrat, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2007 ICMEA 2007 Emerging Ceramic Artists Competition, Fuping, China 2007 11th Slovenian Sculpture Exhibition: Public Sculpture, Magistrat, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2007 Lilliput Ceramics, World exibition of Small and Miniature Ceramics, Zagreb, ?akovci, Opatija, Rovinj, Croatia 2006 10th Slovenian Sculpture Exhibition: The Sublime in Sculpture, Magistrat, Ljubljana, Portorož, Sežana, Slovenia 2006 Small Statue, Gallery Dom borcev NOB, Ljubljana, Slovenia: Honorable Mention 2006 2nd Slovenian Biennale of Ceramics the Earth +the Sky, Postojna, Slovenia 2005 International exibition of ceramics, Magušarjeva hiša, Radovljica, Slovenia 2005 VI.International Ex-Tempore of Ceramics, Piran, Slovenia 2005 Small Statue, Gallery Dom borcev NOB, Ljubljana, Slovenia: Honorable Mention 2005 2nd Triennial Exhibition of Flower Vases, Rab, Zagreb, Vinkovci, Metkovi?, Bjelovar, Croatia: “Vinkovci” prize 2004 1st Slovenian Bienniale of Ceramics, Predjama Castle, Postojna, Slovenia 2004 Ceramics in Slovenia 1964-2004, Podsreda Castle, Podsreda; National Museum, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2004 V.International Ex-Tempore of Ceramics, Piran, Slovenia 2003 III.International Triennial of Ceramic Cup 2003, Belgrade, Serbia: Honorable Mention & Mimco Award 2003 IV.International Ex-Tempore of Ceramics, Piran, Slovenia 2002 III.International Ex-Tempore of Ceramics, Piran, Slovenia: Honorable Mention of Young Artist http://ivanapetan.com