About The Artist

Photography provides me with a vehicle for capturing the unique character of our surroundings. I have had a life-long passion for photography that began as I grew up in Wisconsin. The opportunity to take photography classes in high school led me to build a darkroom in my basement so I could process and print my own photos. My work in photography continued in college where I majored in graphic arts and design and continued to refine my photography skills. Following college, I taught photography at the high school level and found great satisfaction in helping others discover photography as a creative outlet. While in college, I had the privilege to go on a photo shoot with Ansel Adams who came to campus as a guest lecturer. Spending a day with Adams in the field had a significant impact on both my interest in photography and the approach that I have taken in my own work every since. While the techniques he demonstrated were helpful, what I learned most from him was patience. The patience he demonstrated as he made certain every condition was just right to produce the best possible photograph is an attribute that I have tried to emulate in my own work. A majority of my work captures the architectural character of places where people live and work. Living in Colorado, my work also includes a great deal of landscape photography. Over the past several years, I have continued to expand the scope of my work and am always looking for subjects that are different and interesting.