Kath Woollen

Kath Woollen

About The Artist

I'm a self-taught artist living and painting in Northumberland - and I'm excited to have just recently become a Published Artist, with a feature about me and images of my artwork being published in the International Arts Journal 'Sachet Mixte Women - Edition Four" in March 2015. And I'm also one of the artists that Sachet Mixte have asked to feature in a special Art Themes book about Pastel Art, due out later this month (April 2015). My artwork has mainly been dramatic and semi-impressionistic landscapes and seascapes for the last few years, but I've recently started painting Pet Portraits, which are becoming very popular. I'm now exploring Portraiture! A watercolourist for most of my life, I 'discovered' Unison Soft Pastels in 2011 and became hooked! They are now my medium of choice, but I still like to experiment with a wide variety of different mediums and surfaces. I also run successful art workshops and I just love sharing my passion for art and encouraging budding artists to bring out their creativity!