by Ekaterina Abramova

Artwork Description

Mother Board. Placenta

0.0 x 0.0

Everyday of my life I have the same question: what will be our future? I dedicated a lot of thought and contemplation about the nature of reality, our reality. According to many of the world philosophical systems, there are several bodies - levels of existence. There is a material, physical body that has its own tastes feelings, sensations, and nervous system. There is a subtle body that interpenetrates the physical one and has its own tastes, feelings, sensations, and nervous system different from the physical one. There is also a third level of subtle body with its own attributes that differ from the other two. I explore the interaction and interconnection of the subtle bodies with the material one. And I think about it in terms of human creations, all devices, which we are using everyday. We created them, and we face them every minute of our lives. They are already smarter then we are. So, how humans will deal with it 10, 20 or 50 years from now? Who will be on top: devices or humans? What is now? We can create only if God allowed us to create something. But we have freedom to choose what we will do with our creations. Any creation can mean progress, or it can mean destruction. Everything has two sides.

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