About The Artist

Jean-François SUYS (b.1956) is a Belgian contemporary artist born in Brussels. SUYS has resisted attemps to label his style.Primarily,he subscribes to Kandinsky's idea,that each colour has it's own vibration,an individual character wich our consciousness must at first be awoken to. The form and texture of his works have altogether otherwordly effect,at once elemental and universal. Through his richly vibrant canvasses SUYS ambition is to give a voice to colours,to let them sing. I have always felt an instinctual striving towards colors and sought insights into transforming my visual perception and emotions. I am to grasp the luminosity of space,the infinite complexity of nature,the mighty expression of creation. I am one with the power that created me. I would like to introduce a new artistic movement call "EMPATHISM" since my wish is that the interaction with my works in fight awaken an Empathic and positive perception in the viewer's mind. The deep desire to reverse the actual movement,the dark side of people.Incitement to outrance. The way to a positive and optimistic mind. The human brain thrives and adapts to the environement. He accept the positive side as beautiful. The negative side you know ! Member of FAA and Swissart.