Live Painting on Social Media

T Scott Stromberg T Scott Stromberg

SEPTEMBER 06, 2024

Streaming on the internet has become a fun pastime. My family and friends have always supported my art, and have pushed me into having weekly online streaming sessions where I paint and banter. At first, it was a bit of a chore, always trying to find subjects to banter about. I have had the luck to meet and be taught by a lot of interesting creatives, and my love of history, music, and esoterica has provided some interesting discussions. My oldest son has stepped in and become my 'hype man" and he instigates a lot of interesting subjects. So while I paint, we discuss painting, art, and our shared interests. I have begun looking forward to our weekly sessions. If you would like to join us, I Live Paint on Facebook Live (@theartoftscottstromberg) and (@thetscottstromberg) weekly on Sunday nights at 6 pm CST. We would love to have you join us as I paint.