by Ione Citrin

Artwork Description


0.0 x 0.0

46" high x 36" wide acrylic on canvas "Spin" - The invention was complete. Joel had been working on his creation for over a year, and now it was done! It was a giant spinning top, something every adult/child would want! Joel was convinced it would be grabbed up by every toy company in America, and then some. He was already counting his millions. The huge toy was very precious to him, something he dreamt about when he was a boy. He never had a toy. He lived on a farm in a hardscrabble existence where toys were an unheard of luxury. So he dreamt about a toy to play with and he kept this dream until he was finally old enough to physically put together his "dream". Now that he had finished, he hit the remote button and "Spin" lit up, music played and it began spinning faster and faster until it was only a whir. Joel was ecstatic. But after two hours it was still spinning, the remote didn't work, and he couldn't make it stop; didn't know how. He left it in the garage spinning away with the music blaring and fell asleep in the house. The next day it was still spinning and he didn't know quite what to do. He lived alone on the farm, so neighbors were miles away and the loud music didn't bother anyone. The cows and chickens didn't mind either. So he decided he'd just let the giant top just run its course. Six months later the top was still turning, the music blaring. Two years later the same. This continued until Joel's hair was turning grey. By then he had lived with the machine and the noise for 20 years and had become used to it. He'd go out into the barn every day to check on it and dance a little to the music and then go do his chores. His precious toy was his only companion, and he let it do its "thing" until they both died at a very old age. When Joel took his last breath, so did the top. "C'est l'vie."

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