Diane Leonard

Diane Leonard

About The Artist

Diane Leonard is an award winning artist, and one of America’s most highly respected contemporary impressionists. A self-taught artist, Diane began painting in her early twenties while she lived in Boston. She has enjoyed great success with her artwork, including numerous One-Woman Shows here in the U.S. and Japan. She has studied with renowned painters, Bettina Steinke and Helen Van Wyk. Diane is a published writer, photographer, filmmaker, and teacher. She is presently working on her new video series, She is presently working on her new video series, which shares some of her "secret" methods of painting that produce that special "Glow" found only in her paintings. Permanent Collections include: Long Beach Museum of Art, CA; University of Arizona Collection; Fox Network News, New York; Dante Alighieri Museum, Cambridge, MA; Long Beach Museum of Art, CA; Salem State College, Salem, MA; Spectrum Health Care Center, MI; Nagano Country Club, Japan, and the private collection of Rhonda Byrne, creator of “The Secret”. Her paintings have been included in numerous national juried exhibitions including: American Impressionist Society, 2009; Salmagundi Art Club, NY; Allied Artists of America, NY; Audubon Society, NY, Great American Artists Show, Cincinnati; Art Kudos International Art Show; The Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts, Mystic, CT; The Westmoreland Art show in Pennsylvania, and her painting, “Little Flower Girl” won Second Place in the The Louisiana Fine Arts Show in 2010. Her painting, “Peace”, won Third Place in the FineArtWorld.com competition in 2011. Her paintings were featured in Art and Beyond, June 2013 issue. Her work is featured in the March issue of South Shore Living Magazine. And, Diane’s paintings will be showing in China in 2015. Leonard’s paintings continue to bring joy to people everywhere! Collectors from all over the world delight in her new works! She is represented in numerous galleries and private collections throughout the world. Diane is presently living and painting in Silver Spring, Maryland, and loving it!