Ezio Ranaldi

Ezio Ranaldi

About The Artist

Ezio Ranaldi, he' was born in Canosa di Puglia, where he currently lives and works. Painter and photographer imaginative, experienced in all aspects of artistic creation. Its continuous research leads him to experiment with various techniques, from photography to painting, computer graphics. Prominent artist, for years collecting successes from the public and critics. His works are in public and private collections, in addition to being repeatedly published in catalogs and magazines of contemporary art. About his work they have expressed talented critics. He has partecipated in exibitions and national and foreign, bringing numerous awards and honors, including: Sony World Photography Awards, Cannes - Norfolk International Arts Festival, England - Florence Biennale - Biennal International of Rome - Biennal of Ferrara - Biennal Creativity of Verona - Prize Natiolum of Giovinazzo - Trophy Eiffel, Paris - Museum Etruscopolis of Tarquinia - Expo Art of Bari - Symposium International de Sculpture et Peinture Dakar 2015 - Numerous solo and group exibitions.