Productions By Faith

Productions By Faith

About The Artist

I am not Who I once was. Why I am, Who I am. The Storm of my Life had begun and I did not know until it was too late. Identity Thief started a chain of fast unstoppable events that lead to being foreclosed on Christmas Eve and my home being pad-locked. The economy did not help and was called the worst since the Great Depression causing me to be laid-off. In tough times we tighten our belts and do what we have to do, renting a room from a family of 8 that saw my ad on social media. The most overwhelming challenge was losing my mom. She had passed away 4 times; twice she was gone for over 30 minutes and came back to life. Testimonies: Power of Prayer, Miracles, giving God all the praise and glory. This was not an easy process; I had to change my Why’s into I Trust Your Will. I had to stop whining please take away these burdens and praying for faith, broader shoulder, and strength. Seeing others as God’s children and not judging. In situations where people lashed out at me, praying for them and myself for forgiveness, it caused me to have resentment. Giving situations to God and not taking it back. Watching my words, speaking only positive and uplifting words, just a few words of kindness can change a person's day or life. Learning to be Christ-like, Selfless. Having Unshakable Faith, Hope, and Love. Turning Trials into Testimonies. God has given me the strength and the courage to take one step at a time through this 10-year process. He has made a way in the middle of nowhere. GW Tolley