Elizabeth Bogard

Elizabeth Bogard

About The Artist

Elizabeth began creating assemblages in 2005, after a business career in the corporate arena. She progressed to collage, then to acrylic painting and watercolor. Her favorite medium is mixed media. In the words of the artist, "My work starts with a phenomenon or moment in time which I observe happening around me. I study and draw this image many times, reducing it to the essentials. Once the brush strokes touch the canvas, the painting becomes largely instinctive and from the heart." Elizabeth has studied drawing, painting and collage in the academic setting and privately with Peter Ligon, Maureen Brouillette and Mariles Vonk in the Netherlands. She studies the masters and teaches collage. Elizabeth's art can be found in private and public collections worldwide and viewed at Hillside Gallery in Santa Fe. Find a list of exhibitions and collectors and view her portfolio online at http://ebogardart.fineartamerica.com.