Laraine Astarita

Laraine Astarita

About The Artist

Laraine Astarita is a self- taught artist that was born in Brooklyn, New York but currently resides in Oxford, Florida and paints in her home based studio. Laraine enjoys painting and draws inspiration and styles from many places. She love’s abstract Expressionism, and leans into that style of painting. Laraine was a featured artist at The Gallery on First in Sanford Florida where she had a working studio in 2005 – 2007. Laraine is currently an Artist Registry Orlando Florida Member, an Ocala Artist Group Member, and a Marion Cultural Alliance member. Laraine has been in several local and national exhibitions. Artist Statement: I enjoy being an abstract artist, I love testing the waters with color, shapes and texture, I so enjoy experimenting with different processes and exploring different ways to express myself. I have an awesome imagination and love following that spark of energy in my abstract figures work, but I also paint intuitively letting the painting itself direct and guide me telling me what it wants and needs as I move along. I paint on paper and canvas and enjoy painting oils on wood panel. I paint out of love and have been told by many that my work excites and inspires. I have had people ask what type of art is this that you do? It doesn't look like anything! I answer them with this; they are marks. Marks that are compiled, and stacked on top of one another. They are the space between each blade of grass, the feeling you get when the wind touches your neck. They are that vastness that makes the sparkle in each of your eyes, they are the glitter that is in your heart and sometimes the sadness too. They are the out of the ordinary being celebrated and made extraordinary. They are the existence that no one see's. The existence that no one has named or become familiar with. If you are walking through the day and you tap and bump into people or things and each left a color and a mark what would that be? An impression left, these are my impressions of marks, colors and Life. Simple! Laraine Astarita Art and More Oxford Florida 407-687-4174