Faustine Badrichani

Faustine Badrichani

About The Artist

Faustine Badrichani (born 1984, France) grew up in the French countryside before moving to Paris, and later, London where she embraced a career in finance. After only a couple of years, Faustine realized she had underestimated the strength of her creative will and began attending evening classes at Central St Martin Art School, London. In 2011, she left finance, moving to New York to actively pursue her interest in art. After first creating a series of colorful urban landscapes, Faustine developed a fascination with the female body. Using precise, dynamic brushstrokes, she creates totemic, feminine silhouettes. Her large-scale oil paintings also incorporate other media, such as pastels, ink and collage, offering a multi-layered surface and fostering a multi-faceted interpretation to her work. In the past three years, Faustine has begun to explore the subject of the female body in sculpture. She uses direct plaster technique to create skinny, androgynous silhouettes that echo the images in her paintings. Over years in the studio, Faustine has developed a technique that is uniquely her own – not derived from the artistic canon of how things ought to be. This practice infuses her work with intensity and integrity. She paints and sculpts from her heart, through trial and error, giving her an unusual and powerful technical ability.